Here we will simply change the current player and update the game status message to reflect the change. Our forEach() callback function will accept two arguments, the element in the array, and the index of the element: function(combo, index) Once again, we can use the same logic, but we’ll be testing if all three marks match a combo in the winning combos array. else if(sqr7 == " O " && sqr8 == " O " && sqr9 == " O ") var sqr7T = 0

The only thing left to do would be to connect our game restart functionality. Example: document.tic.sqr8.value = " O " This tic tac toe game is built using the three basic front-end web technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

reset() var sqr9 document.tic.sqr9.value = " O " } }

form.b4.value = xo; else if(sqr3 == " O " && sqr5 == " O " && sqr7 == " O ")

turn = 0

I also took on the additional challenge of not using any external JavaScript libraries in the project.

font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; const squares = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('#board div')); document.getElementById('board').addEventListener('click', handleTurn); let idx = squares.findIndex(function(square) {.

What does it mean to make a mark?

sqr3T = 1; { else if(sqr3 == " X " && sqr9 == " X " && sqr6T == 0 && turn == 1) I found it helpful when I was learning the language. He is a simpleton. So, the winning logic will be: There is a win if there is a mark in index 0 and it matches the marks in indexes 1 and 2. document.tic.sqr1.value = " " turn = 0 alert("Player 2 wins!")

Your email address will not be published. } The rest of this function is just the corresponding else blocks which we already covered. We’ll update our internal game state, and update our UI.

// In an if statement it would look like: // writing the ternary saved you from all that. change = 1

JavaScript Tutorials DHTML/ CSS Web Building Tutorials. alert("You Win!") turn = 0; {

sqr7T = 1; If it is not then we can proceed. } Let’s get to the fun part and build something! Description: JavaScript

// check your console logs to make sure it's working! Our board is represented by a sequential list of numbers, and there are eight possible win conditions. The moron option is selected by default. The Array.from() function will make an array from all elements returned by querySelectorAll. If there are no squares to “plug”, it reverts to using, Then right at the end of the script, add a line to fire the game up when the window loads –.

return (t); } else if(sqr2 == " O " && sqr8 == " O " && sqr5T == 0 && turn == 1) else {

form.b6.value = xo; Here are some ideas: , Empowering Tic Tac Toe for the Good of Humanity, console.log('Your JS is linked up. a guest Sep 25th, 2012 58 Never Not a member of Pastebin yet? } alert("Player 1 wins!") { Tic tac toe OOP. turn = 0; The genius is more formidable than the moron, but he is a little arrogant and isn’t actually all that bright. var sqr1

return; If you get stuck, don’t sweat it! Always start any programming task by clarifying what you want to do and then breaking it down into small steps. alert("Player 1 wins!") turn = 0; { { document.tic.sqr7.value = " O " Maybe try writing the app in a framework of your choice to see how it compares to vanilla JavaScript?

We will hold the actual game cells in a wrapping div to allow us to make use of the CSS grid. alert("Player 2 wins!") Pure and Simple - Tic Tac Toe with Javascript # javascript # ... Well look no further, today we’ll be building a simple (drumroll) Tic Tac Toe game.

sqr8T = 1;

{ findIndex() finds the index of the square in our squares array that matches the square the user clicked!

current data every time we need it.

var turn = 0

document.tic.sqr9.value = " O "

Here are the three files: tic-tac-toe.html. else if(sqr7 == " X " && sqr9 == " X " && sqr8T == 0 && turn == 1)


spot = empty1 ;}

sqr2T = 1 sqr6T = 1 JavaScript Tic-Tac-Toe web app. document.tic.sqr7.value = " O " sqr6T = 0 else { { Featured on JavaScript Kit ( function changing(clicked){ reset()

And well done on pointing out how the artificial intelligence could be improved. alert("Player 2 wins!")

change_b6(this.form)> Code Written by Cory Fogliani (Email: { document.write('width:50px;height:50px;') form.b8.value = xo; I am Your Console AMA: Test that your main.js is linked up by writing this line of code in main.js: If you open a live server of the document and check your dev tools, you should see your message in the console. sqr1T = 1; else if(sqr2 == " X " && sqr3 == " X " && sqr1T == 0 && turn == 1)

function vari() vari() document.tic.sqr9.value = " O " else if(sqr3 == " X " && sqr7 == " X " && sqr5T == 0 && turn == 1) alert("You Lose!") else if(sqr1 == " O " && sqr5 == " O " && sqr9 == " O ") Lines 179 – 181: Third, we set the message displayed to the player to the default, “Pick a square!” message. else if(sqr5 == " O " && sqr9 == " O " && sqr1T == 0 && turn == 1)

We added several classes for identifying where squares are located on the game board, allowing us to create the famous tic-tac-toe pattern. Make it shine, Cheryl! reset()

document.tic.sqr5.value = " O " else if(sqr5 == " O " && sqr8 == " O " && sqr2T == 0 && turn == 1)

It is true that the middle is most advantageous because it is included in 4 win scenarios, but corners are included in 3, while sides are only included in 2.

To gain my Front-End Certification I have to complete two last projects. sqr4T = 1; else if(sqr1 == " O " && sqr9 == " O " && sqr5T == 0 && turn == 1) Head back to the state section and throw down your turn variable like a boss: Taking a turn means that an event (such as ‘click’) has occurred.

} else if(sqr5 == " O " && sqr6 == " O " && sqr4T == 0 && turn == 1) alert("You Win!") drawCheck()

If you haven’t done much programming before, it’s probably best to check out my introductory post on computers first. Instead, I’m going to leave it as an exercise for you to read the code and understand how each function was implemented.

Let’s fix our

so our user gets the right message and knows when it’s their turn: When should we change the message? t = turnchange(t) ; Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you next time!

Jul 19, 2016. document.tic.sqr9.value = " O " This being a javascript centric project I won't be focusing on the markup a lot, but for those who want similar UI to my one, can follow. if (clicked == 2){ document.tic.sqr4.value = " O " Be the person you needed when you were little.').

I click on a square but it goes right to ‘There’s no winner’. else if(sqr1 == " X " && sqr5 == " X " && sqr9T == 0 && turn == 1) else if(sqr3 == " O " && sqr5 == " O " && sqr7 == " O ") empty1==empty5 && empty5==empty9 && empty9==1 ||


turn = 0 sqr7T = 1; document.tic.sqr4.value = " O " reset() sqr7 = document.tic.sqr7.value empty9 = spot ;} turn = 0; Players take turns. 18 min read. function AI() We use analytics cookies to understand how you use our websites so we can make them better, e.g. else if(sqr4 == " O " && sqr5 == " O " && sqr6T == 0 && turn == 1)

turn = 0 Let’s kick our JS off by structuring some pseudo-code to break it down into smaller pieces using our before written game logic template.

: , winningCombos.forEach(function(combo, index) {. sqr5T = 1; return;

change_b3(this.form)> clicked = 8; if (clicked == 8){ Going second puts him at a disadvantage, so he favors the center square for its defensive qualities.

sqr1T = 1; else { vari() Could you post your code on or some other similar platform? function change_b6(form){ else if(sqr3 == " X " && sqr6 == " X " && sqr9 == " X ") Have you wanted to build something fun and simple to practice your Front End skills but the thought of building another TODO application makes you want to quit this wonderful path you’ve started on? Yes… Appended that small section to the end of the tutorial. clicked = 9;

document.tic.sqr9.value = " O " The backticks (`) allow us to use template literals to embed JS expressions in strings.

When he can’t find an obvious move to make he reverts back to the same simple ways of the moron.

} sqr9T = 1; empty5 = -1; } Congratulations, you have now created a pretty good fully functioning simple game with AI. Otherwise, there is no need to continue. paste.

t = turnchange(t) ; if (clicked == 1){ Making a mark means that there is a place for the mark to be made: Making a mark means that a game has been initiated. This allows us to avoid using else conditions and to keep our code nice and compact.

empty3 = spot ;} sqr9T = 0 alert("You Lose!") tic-tac-toe.js. else if(sqr1 == " X " && sqr4 == " X " && sqr7T == 0 && turn == 1) t = 0;

Link up your CSS and JavaScript by including them in the head of the HTML: A note on that defer in the