Caretta caretta. Eats small mammals, lizards, snakes (including rattlesnakes) eggs, frogs, birds, and large invertebrates.

Adults are 3 to 6.5 inches long, not including the tail. Sometimes seen basking on or under the surface in shallow water. Eats small salamanders, tadpoles, frogs, snakes, lizards, worms, slugs, and insects. Exceptions are newts, which have bumpy, dry skin, when they are in their land phase. Also known to eat small lizards. Eats insects, spiders, centipedes and other invertebrates. Adults are about 3 to 3.5 inches long, not including the tail, and up to 8 inches with the tail.

Nocturnal and diurnal. Eats small invertebrates, including spiders, scorpions, beetles, ants, and centipedes. Adults are typically 22 to 40 inches long. The smallest sea turtle. The tail is easily detached, but it will regenerate. Turtles. At higher elevations, they are active in summer. Eats small bugs including ants, termites, grasshoppers, flies, spiders, and beetles.

My personal favorite ... Eastern Hermanns tortoise hatchling.

If you find a salamander in L.A. or Orange Counties, it could be either species. A medium-sized lizard with a long slender body with a large deep head, muscular limbs, and a tail up to twice the length of the body. Eats a wide variety of marine plants and animals, including sponges, crustaceans, mollusks, jellyfish, worms, cephalopods, bivalves, barnacles, shrimp, and fish. These Redfoot hatchlings are roughly 1.5 months old. The California Watersnakes Site reports on news, publications, The skin is smooth, but not shiny.

Adults are 1.5 to 3.5 inches long not including the tail, up to 6 inches long with the tail. Watersnakes have no stripes.). Color varies from metallic silver, beige, dark brown, to black. Adults are 18 to 36 inches long and up to 280 lbs.

At the bottom of the page is a contact form … Hatchlings are 7 to 11 inches long. Rare in our area and not native. Note: most browsers have an option to print to PDF, Southern California Reptiles and Amphibians. Most of us are unaware of their presence, even though they may be abundant. Often thought to be a small snake. 1.75 to about 2.5 inches long, not including the tail. The color of the shell ranges from black, brown, or olive to tan. Hatchlings are 8 to 11 inches long. In its native range, females produce several sets of 2 eggs each season. Species. Some species have more than one color or pattern, which may not all be represented here. Mostly carnivorous. Found primarily in oak woodlands and grassland, but also ranges into pine/oak woodlands and desert scrub. (California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Excerpts, Section 671) Species info will be truncated to fit on the page. Commonly found in suburban yards, especially in Southern California. Southern California is a very diverse place. It is found in southeast Arizona just barely into New Mexico, and south into Mexico. Eats a variety of invertebrates, and ocasionally small vertebrates such as fish, mice, frogs, and salamander larvae. Your description of what you think you saw may not be entirely accurate. Click for a larger view. Typically 7.5 inches long with the tail. Found in a variety of aquatic habitats, including slow streams and drainages, marshes, ponds, drainage ditches, flood channels, cattle tanks, sewage plant ponds, and golf course ponds. $105.00 plus shipping. Active on some hot nights. They have smooth, moist skin, and a tail, although the tail may be completely or partially broken off. Adult, Manuel Antonio, Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica © Twan Leenders. Found in beach dunes, chaparral, mixed woodlands, sandy washes and stream terraces where there is moist warm loose soil with plant cover. This is a list of all native and invasive species found in Southern California. Color varies from metallic silver, beige, dark brown, to black. Eastern Hermanns Tortoise-Adult Breeder Size. Edited by Dominic, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA). Hatchlings are 7 to 11 inches long. Salamanders The descriptions and information here are simplified, and we do not yet have pictures of every size, age, and color phase of every animal. These non-native lizards are a hybrid of two species of whiptail lizards found in Arizona. 4 to 5 inches long with the tail. Eats fish, frogs, toads, tadpoles, newt larvae, and occasionally worms and fish eggs. Eats aquatic plants, bugs, worms, frog eggs and tadpoles, salamander eggs and larvae, crayfish, carrion, and occasionally frogs and fish.

Eats small rodents, birds, lizards, snakes, and amphibians. A small slender lizard a shovel-shaped snout, smooth shiny scales, a blunt tail, and no legs. Many lizards change color depending on temperature, or will change color during the breeding season.

Eats lizards, small mammals, birds, amphibians, and sometimes snakes. A small gecko with sticky toe pads and large eyes with vertical pupils and no eyelids. So far, found only in riparian areas upstream of Prado Dam in western Riverside County.

Reptiles and amphibians are sometimes found outside of their typical habitat or normal activity period. Exceptions are newts, which are active day and night, and a few other air-breathing salamanders which which can be seen migrating to breeding ponds at night, or swimming in the ponds during daylight. Nocturnal. Eats small invertebrates including spiders, scorpions, centipedes, and termites, and sometimes small lizards. Split page, species info on the left, room for notes on the right. These are the native and well-established alien herps that inhabit Coastal Southern California, which for our purposes includes the transverse and peninsular mountain ranges and the land interior to the sea, including the Santa Monica mountains, the San Gabriel mountains, the San Bernardino mountains, the San Jacinto mountains, and the Santa Ana mountains. This website documents the amphibians and reptiles (herps) found in the state of California with information including: • Taxonomic Lists, Photo Indexes, Range Maps, and Species Accounts of all native and non-native amphibians and reptiles established in California • Sound Recordings, including the Calls of California's Frogs and Toads Adult with regenerated tail, San Diego County ©.

Diurnal in cool weather, Nocturnal in hotter weather. Adults are about 2 to 3.5 inches long not including the tail. Eats a wide variety of invertebrates, including flying insects. Eats mostly lizards and their eggs, plus small snakes, amphibians, and other small vertebrates. Nocturnal and crepuscular but occasionally seen active in daylight. Typically found underneath rocks or other surface debris. Nocturnal, but may be active diurnally in shade. If the lizard you want to identify resembles one of the lizards shown below, go here to continue your search.

Eats small invertebrates and possibly small vertebrates. Some salamanders change their appearance during the breeding season when they return to live in water. Adults are 20 to 29 inches in length. Eats a variety of small invertebrates, primarily small arthropods. Hatchlings are abpit 7 inches long. During very cold periods in winter, they may be inactive. Common in some areas. California Watersnakes Site, please report it to California Nerodia Watch at iNaturalist.

Eats a variety of invertebrates including insects and spiders. Females lay eggs in June and July which hatch in late summer, early fall. Eats fish, amphibians, birds, mice, lizards, snakes, worms, leeches, slugs and snails. Common, but secretive.

Often thought to be a small snake. Because of this many reptile and amphibian species live and depend on the various habitats. Reptiles will appear cloudy or milky with dull coloring and a bluish haze over the eyes when they are about to shed their skin.

Most adults are about a foot long, rarely over 16 inches. Females crawl onto land and lay eggs between April and July. Common name. Eats a wide variety of invertebrates, including spiders, beetles, crickets, sowbugs, centipedes, millipedes, worms, snails, and termites. Eats mollusks, crustaceans, jellyfish, sea urchins, crab, fish, sea urchins, snails, and occasional plant material - algae, seagrass, and seaweed. Salamanders are usually active at night, and rarely seen, unless they are found hiding beneath objects. Eats lizards, small mammals, birds, snakes, eggs, frogs, and insects.

© 2000 - document.write((new Date()).getFullYear()); Red dots = Some locations of Snapping Turtle, Mildly Venomous But Not Dangerous to Humans, It is unlawful to import, transport, or possess any Watersnakes of the genus. Young are 9 or 10 inches long. Newborns are about 8 inches. Eats mostly ants and a wide variety of other invertebrates. Adults are 3.5 to 8 inches long. Able to eat poisonous newts. Eats small bugs, including spiders and sow bugs.

Redfoot tortoise hatchling. Eats a variety of invertebrates, including beetles, moths, crickets, flies, ants, and earthworms. Fairly common in the right habitat. Adults are about 2 - 3 inches long, not including the tail. The brief descriptions used here represent only the most likely times and places where an animal is most often seen. Adults are roughly the size of a US quarter dollar coin. Eats ants and termites and their larvae and pupae.

Typically found in rocky locations in scrub, grassland, chaparral, oak woodland. Juveniles and newborns frequently do not look exactly like adults. This lizard continues to expand its range in California. The shell is heavily serrated on the rear edge, and scutes may have a pattern of radiating lines. Nocturnal, but also known to bask in the sun during cooler parts of the year. Aspidoscelis sonora Eats amphibians, tadpoles, fish, birds, eggs, small mammals, reptiles, earthworms, slugs, and leeches. Adults are typically 2 to 4.5 feet long. Adults are typically 2 - 4 feet long. Eats small bugs including crickets, spiders, ticks, scorpions, and even tiny lizards. have stripes on the sides and sometimes on the back. Hatchlings are abut 1 inch long. It ranges across central  Arizona into New Mexico with an isolated poulation in the Chiricahua and Catalina Mountains of Arizona.

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