Il testa di rame (Agkistrodon contortrix (Linnaeus, 1766)) è un serpente velenoso della famiglia dei Viperidi (sottofamiglia Crotalinae), diffuso nella parte orientale del Nordamerica.[1]. As juveniles, all species of Agkistrodon have a bright green-yellow color to their tail tip believed to be used as a lure to attract prey items to approach within striking range. Habitat, variations & intergradation of the Trans Pecos copperhead Agkistrodon contortrix pictigaster in Texas. Dallas Museum of Natural History Bulletin (2): iv, 1-10, 2 plates ; Smith, C. F.; K. Schwenk, R. L. Earley & G. W. Schuett 2008. Brimley (1944) mentions a specimen of A. c. mokasen from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, that was "four feet, six inches" (137.2 cm), but this may have been an approximation. Il corpo è relativamente spesso, senza tuttavia essere tozzo come in certe vipere, la coda è sottile ed a volte distinguibile dal resto del corpo. This subspecies is typically a light tan in color, with darker brown, wide crossbands. Like most pit viper species, A. contortrix has a hemotoxic venom, which is delivered through hinged, hollow fangs set in the front of their jaw. On the head are usually 9 large symmetrical plates, 6–10 (usually 8) supralabial scales, and 8–13 (usually 10) sublabial scales.[5]. Agkistrodon piscivorus conanti, commonly known as the Florida cottonmouth or green-tailed moccasin, is a venomous pitviper subspecies in the family Viperidae. Agkistrodon contortrix pictigaster from the Pandale area of Val Verde County, Texas Photo by Gerald Keown, SWCHR. Gloydius brevicaudus is a venomous pitviper subspecies endemic to China and the Korean Peninsula. Dallas Museum of Natural History Bulletin (2): iv, 1-10, 2 plates ; Smith, C. F.; K. Schwenk, R. L. Earley & G. W. Schuett 2008. Continuing to use this site, you agree with this. The type genus for this subfamily is Crotalus, of which the type species is the timber rattlesnake, C. horridus. Any bite from a venomous snake should be considered serious and medical treatment sought. When lying on dead leaves or red clay, they can be almost impossible to notice. Description. Agkistrodon contortrix is a species of venomous snake, a pit viper, endemic to Eastern North America; it is a member of the subfamily Crotalinae in the family Viperidae. [13], Common names for A. contortrix include: copperhead (snake), chunk head, highland moccasin, (dry-land) moccasin, narrow-banded copperhead, northern copperhead, pilot snake, poplar leaf, red oak, red snake, southeastern copperhead, white oak snake,[14] American copperhead,[15] southern copperhead,[13] and cantil cobrizo (Spanish). [citation needed]. ** [ "Agkistrodon contortrix"] at [ University of Texas] . They are distinguished by the presence of a heat-sensing pit organ located between the eye and the nostril on both sides of the head. At the base of the tail are one to three (usually two) brown crossbands followed by a gray area. [1] This means that relative to many other species, it is not at risk of extinction in the near future. The species can be difficult to distinguish from the broad-banded copperhead, A. c. laticinctus.
Accessed 7 December 2007. Their actual color varies by locality, varying from a red-brown, to a gray-brown.

A., G. R. Smith, J. R. Dixon, and A. Cruz. 2014. It is easily distinguished from other subspecies of copperhead, in that other species typically have banding that narrows at the spine, creating hourglass shapes, whereas A. c. pictigaster has bands that do not narrow at the spine.

Common names: broad-banded copperhead, Texas copperhead, more. This process leads to genome-wide homozygosity, expression of deleterious recessive alleles, and often to developmental failure (inbreeding depression). The fangs work like hypodermic needles, injecting the venom in a single, quick striking motion. Semplicemente, l’Agkistrodon contortrix avverte lo scocciatore mordendolo, senza tanti bluff: se il nemico è vicino, anche senza far vibrare la coda, scatta avanti e morde. They grow to approximately 20-36 inches (50–90 cm) in length. The subspecies intergrade where their ranges overlap, further confusing identification. La punta della coda, invece, è giallo tenue. Lachesis muta is a venomous pit viper species found in South America. They are ovoviviparous, giving birth to a litter of up to 8 young in the early fall.VenomLike most pit viper species, "A. contortrix" has a hemotoxic venom, which is delivered through hinged, hollow fangs set in the front of their jaw. As juveniles, all species of "Agkistrodon" have a bright green-yellow color to their tail tip believed to be used as a lure to attract prey items to approach within striking range. Agkistrodon contortrix is a species of venomous snake, a pit viper, endemic to Eastern North America; it is a member of the subfamily Crotalinae in the family Viperidae. The color fades to a grey or brown at about a year of age. [17] In the states around the Gulf of Mexico, however, this species is also found in coniferous forest. [7], It is found in North America; its range within the United States is in Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Northern Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia. Agkistrodon contortrix pictigaster "Behavioral plasticity and the origins of novelty: the evolution of the rattlesnake rattle". In the Southern United States, they are nocturnal during the hot summer, but are commonly active during the day during the spring and fall. As juveniles, all species of "Agkistrodon" have a bright green-yellow color to their tail tip believed to be used as a lure to attract prey items to approach within striking range. Any bite from a venomous snake should be considered serious and medical treatment sought. Herpetologists' League. I Testa-di-rame, così chiamati per la loro colorazione, sono diffusi negli stati Sud-orientali degli Stati Uniti, e si nutrono prevalentemente di topi ed altri roditori, anche se la dieta può essere ben più varia, comprendendo altri mammiferi di piccole dimensioni, batraci (pur essendo rettili più terricoli dei mocassini acquatici, anche i testa-di-rame gradiscono la vicinanza dell’acqua ed i terreni paludosi), lucertole, altri serpenti e persino insetti. Reiserer RS (2002). It is often associated with rock outcroppings and ledges, but is also found in low-lying, swampy regions. It is easily distinguished from other subspecies of copperhead, in that other species typically have banding that narrows at the spine, creating hourglass shapes, whereas "A. c. pictigaster" has bands that do not narrow at the spine. Wikispecies has an entry on: Agkistrodon contortrix. Burbrink, Frank T. and Timothy J. Guiher. They are about two scales wide or less at the midline of the back, but expand to a width of 6–10 scales on the sides of the body. The color pattern consists of a pale tan to pinkish-tan ground color that becomes darker towards the foreline, overlaid with a series of 10–18 (13.4) crossbands. Consequently, the top of the head extends further forward than the mouth. They frequently stay still even when approached closely, and generally strike only if physical contact is made. Agkistrodon contortrix is a species of venomous snake, a pit viper, endemic to Eastern North America; it is a member of the subfamily Crotalinae in the family Viperidae.

Schmidt (1953) proposed the type locality be restricted to "Charleston, South Carolina".[2]. [9][10] In one study, males were found to weigh from 101.5 to 343 g (3.58 to 12.10 oz), with a mean of roughly 197.4 g (6.96 oz). The belly is the same color as the ground color, but may be a little whitish in part. In another specimen, from Lowndes County, Alabama, the first three crossbands were complete, followed by a dark stripe that ran down either side of the body, with points of pigment reaching up to the midline in six places, but never getting there, after which the last four crossbands on the tail were also complete. The common names suggest they are able to leap at an attacker, but this is likely exaggerated. Named after American herpetologist Howard K. Gloyd, this genus is very similar to the North American genus Agkistrodon. This is the world's only semiaquatic viper, usually found in or near water, particularly in slow-moving and shallow lakes, streams, and marshes. One exception to ambush foraging occurs when copperheads feed on insects such as caterpillars and freshly molted cicadas.

* [ Trans-Pecos Copperhead] at [ WhoZoo] . A. contortrix was long considered to contain five subspecies listed below.

Ma questi nomi “volgari” andrebbero, forse, evitati, perché molti profani, chiamano mocassini d’acqua anche altre specie acquatiche non velenose, appartenenti al genere Nerodia, e questa confusione “sul campo” potrebbe portare a spiacevoli conseguenze, soprattutto per chi cercasse di catturarli.

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