Stars, however, are so far away that they all appear as unresolved points. As the train rushes forward and blows its horn, the sound waves in front of the train get squished together. This figure shows changes in the appearance of the Big Dipper due to proper motion of the stars over 100,000 years. Such motion, along the line of sight between the star and the observer, is called radial velocity and is usually measured in kilometers per second.

You can think of each spectral line that we observe as the sum or composite of spectral lines originating from different speeds with respect to us.

Think about it like traffic—collisions are much more likely during rush hour, when the density of cars is high. The Lick telescope remained the largest in the world until 1897, when George Ellery Hale persuaded railroad millionaire Charles Yerkes to finance the construction of a 40-inch telescope near Chicago.

Technology. Due to the Doppler effect, the lines in the light that come from the side of the star rotating toward us are shifted to shorter wavelengths and the lines in the light from the opposite edge of the star are shifted to longer wavelengths.
What came to be known as the cosmological redshift was the first piece of the Big Bang theory – and ultimately a description of the origin of our universe.

As we mentioned in The Spectra of Stars (and Brown Dwarfs) section, astronomers use the term “metals” to refer to all elements heavier than hydrogen and helium. We see it as a change in the relative positions of the stars on the celestial sphere (Figure 3).

Estimates of the amounts of these elements in the universe are based on laboratory measurements of their abundance in primitive meteorites, which are considered representative of unaltered material condensed from the solar nebula (see the Cosmic Samples and the Origin of the Solar System chapter). This changes the perceived frequency and we hear the pitch change as the car goes by.

All rights reserved. If you shine a flashlight beam through a prism, a rainbow comes out the other side. Together, hydrogen and helium make up from 96 to 99% of the mass; in some stars, they amount to more than 99.9%. Replace the hydrogen with helium and you get a completely different pattern of absorption lines. Unlike radial motion, which is along our line of sight (i.e., toward or away from Earth), this motion, called proper motion, is transverse: that is, across our line of sight. The best we can do is to analyze the light from the entire star at once. (a) Draper stands next to a telescope used for photography. Hubble had stumbled upon a startling truth: the universe was uniformly expanding!

A Bonnier Corporation Company. The ionization of atoms in a star’s outer layers is caused mainly by photons, and the amount of energy carried by photons is determined by temperature. This effect is due to collisions between particles in the star’s photosphere—more collisions lead to broader spectral lines. We measure the proper motion of a star in arcseconds (1/3600 of a degree) per year. After eight years of searching for exoplanets, probing distant galaxies and exploring comets, Chris realized he enjoyed talking about astronomy a lot more than actually doing it. In the 1910s, astronomers at Lowell Observatory and elsewhere noticed that the light from nearly every galaxy was redshifted. Even the star with the largest proper motion takes 200 years to change its position in the sky by an amount equal to the width of the full Moon, and the motions of other stars are smaller yet. That is, the measurement of proper motion tells us only by how much of an angle a star has changed its position on the celestial sphere. The radial velocity is the component of the space velocity projected along the line of sight from the Sun to a star.

Spectra of stars of the same temperature but different atmospheric pressures have subtle differences, so spectra can be used to determine whether a star has a large radius and low atmospheric pressure (a giant star) or a small radius and high atmospheric pressure. Figure 1: Spectral Lines. This could only happen if something unseen was pulling the star around.

The difference is large enough that careful study of spectra can tell which of two stars at the same temperature has a higher pressure (and is thus more compressed) and which has a lower pressure (and thus must be extended). If you look at the stellar spectra such as those in Figure 3 of The Spectra of Stars (and Brown Dwarfs), you may get some feeling for how hard it is to decode all of the information contained in the thousands of absorption lines. Long books and computer databases have been compiled to show the lines of each element that can be seen at each temperature. By Elizabeth Howell/ Universe Today. June 28, 2013. After his death, his widow funded further astronomy work in his name. We then determine the period—how long the stars take to go through an orbital cycle—from the velocity curve. Complex calculations are required to determine exactly how much more, but those calculations can be done for any element observed in any star with any temperature and pressure. By measuring how far the pattern of lines moves from where it’s supposed to be, astronomers can precisely calculate the speed of the star relative to Earth!

But if stars are moving toward or away from us, we must consider the Doppler effect (see The Doppler Effect). She was the widow of Henry Draper, a physician who was one of the most accomplished amateur astronomers of the nineteenth century and the first person to successfully photograph the spectrum of a star. But if you place a clear container filled with hydrogen gas between the flashlight and the prism, the rainbow changes! Because it is so large, a giant star’s atoms are spread over a great volume, whic… This figure shows the true space velocity of a star. In practice, analyzing stellar spectra is a demanding, sometimes frustrating task that requires both training and skill. A star’s space velocity can also, over time, cause its distance from the Sun to change significantly. Gaps appear in the smooth continuum of colors – places where the light literally goes missing. The greater the shift, the faster the star is moving.

Credit: Wikipedia. Stars of such exaggerated size are called giants. Suppose two stars have identical temperatures and pressures, but the lines of, say, sodium are stronger in one than in the other. So, the observed wavelengths may not match laboratory measurements exactly. Studies of stellar spectra have shown that hydrogen makes up about three-quarters of the mass of most stars. The rainbow becomes littered with what astronomers call absorption lines. Credit: Wikipedia.
This is clearly the case for the Sun or a planet; we can observe the light from either the approaching or receding edge of these nearby objects and directly measure the Doppler shifts that arise from the rotation.

The dark absorption lines of a star at rest (left) get shifted towards red if the star is moving away from Earth (right).

A rotating star will show broader spectral lines than a nonrotating star. Astronomers use redshifts to track the rotation of our galaxy, tease out the subtle tug of a distant planet on its parent star, and measure the expansion rate of the universe.

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