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Helen didn´t eat too many sweets.

I bought the newspaper in the shop.

Worksheet About This Worksheet: Lets talk about improving your "ups!" Just Scroll Down To View and Print. <> Activities for Those Shoes Keep ’em Reading • Grades K–2, 3–5 THOSE SHOES By Maribeth Boelts, illustrated by Noah Z. Jones (Candlewick, 2007) In-Depth Read-Aloud Plan For a creative, attention-getting prop for the read-aloud of Those Shoes, find an old item that was once in fashion and very trendy but is now hopelessly outdated. Y:W��M�=��.g�Sx��U��5Wh��i�4�*�vh�,��cb"��F��:��:���PO�'�E�3� �L�����@����Cd��G(6�.���G�&ӷn������"̃��?�1�z� ��v����v}9�M7�n::5����JG����R o�p��� 'ՙ�c��ɀ���ڡw�)mfe������ 4 0 obj endobj �:R&ƴ�22�]�ڕ�K�AN�n��i��/��>G� �vrQ㰎A���1��Uw��d4���\ ��L2�gF���)ڍF[�s<7�b#�U*�3]2�5�x�p$�K'�p�y����p}���_q�15��p�T�U��:��䒱 -���XL~��9��y4�˞������ ?��N�tS�x2�cI����?�G ^��C�%˽x�U�[��Y��J��xMbbX�! xŝ�s�q���_1��]I{���y��w�/���>{cDZ�|��}p�S����ʯ� 9�V#k�J�!�F�� 9_~���� �Wm����q�j�u�.��v�[����[�ˇ�-�׬�e����������_�?���2��[@��w��j�HX���i�s�b��W����fyu!׶�~b�������v��.�.�|h�W�W�8֯��҉���O��o��5-�n��_W�)z��`d���@W���_�X'�2[3��a��m��}˴j�X���R��f�>�P��4��a�^�����:��cp���c�K�ZDS?�AX�߯�S���H�{�>}#��'QP��^B���f62�{d�~�j��r��1-�MmfЃ���$;���v���z�TQ LH�&��>1�3�Q�����eS���u�_?�n���� ��}u_ᚺ��+p`ɍp Dž�$�wS�[�7%}W��C�~���|������S`�X �Y�3�)�i�Sg6pi}<��sy�|�o��[�LG�u���\c�e3���5^/z,]����� ;!4�R�;� ju�x2�$�u�߯6]�z���)�{�Y}��~DNC 1. 5th Grade Worksheets Name _____ Shoe Shenanigans Some of the sentences below have spelling errors, and some do not. Is it the Shoes? x��\{o��߀������Z�M.�# R�@Ҩ( All Jeremy wants is a pair of those shoes, the ones everyone at school seems to be wearing. As a Lower Elementary Teacher - I spend A LOT of time tying shoes. This 10. �]�0'K��4�蒕N���Lt��:F�E.�d�c,Ofm:�rU�s���Lt9Ky�䪂'�Z�N窂�,�I�����щlU�� �1�� �Y��L68�J���� . 3. <> 5. A multi-level English curriculum featuring cartoon animated videos, engaging games, interactive tests and a progress tracker. This 4. Shops worksheets English Lessons for Kids - Videos, Printables, Games, Online Tests Teach kids with an engaging blended English program. ��d@E���VZ}u��ܶ�/� U�5��L _____ 2. That 8.

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2 0 obj Sal and I needed to buy new shoes because niether of us owned a decent pair. Match the types of shoes with the situations you can wear them in.

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Write the correct word in the blank at the end of that sentence. boots You can wear these most of the time. 6. 1 0 obj '��س-i����khb��=���/]�����á�0T�(M_L3Z])4�\�Ә���|β������AHp�������k�_S3��R����j)"�j���_��r��c��=FFj���&+#��v5�D�W�m����E���j���֧�R� �����O��"B��s��{���e <> 1 0 obj We got up at eight o´clock and went to school. Title: Good Fit Book Lesson Those Shoes Author: Joan Moser McSweeney Created Date: 11/23/2010 10:54:34 PM Match them up! <>/XObject<>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 842.04] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> If there is NO mistake in the sentence, write NONE in the blank. These 2. 2 0 obj Circle each misspelled word. 4 0 obj endobj <>>>

Match them up! 3 0 obj High Quality ESL Lesson Plans - Free Samples - $26 Membership Be a better teacher! When you are done, just click "Back" on your browser. These Grades as percentages 12 / 12 = 100% 11 / 12 = 92 10 / 12 = 83 9 / 12 = 75 8 / 12 = 67 7 / 12 = 58 6 / 12 = 50 endobj Should be a breeze, but if you have trouble check the bottom of this page. When I was pregnant, I just couldn't do it. %���� E��|�����qpL/����t�LV�� t�����d]�[eR�

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