9.the family base was crucial to my Development. He contributed to the development to the city. , Concerned about her baby’s development, the mother took him to a doctor to ask about his growth. Physical exercise is essential for proper development of mind. He played a crucial role in the development of electronics. A child needs a holistic development of personality. 12.i disagree with the premise that economic Development has priority over the environment. , Development of the grocery chain has grown from two to ten stores in six months. We are working for the overall development of the state. 7.i am afraid that the concept of scientific Development and become nothing more than another political slogan will not be able to implement. 20.Development has been guided by a concern for the ecology of the area.

We should check the spread of the disease.

This work is an improvement on your last. It plays a significant role in the economic development of our country. 31.through years of Development, the company has formed more than 130 series of products including cables of thousands of models. She writes essays in addition to novels and poetry. But the plot was largely divorced from character development or historical context. Books are a way of preserving and spreading knowledge.

Can you tell us about your experience in developing technical materials? They want to increase food production by growing new kinds of rice. Despite the huge advancement of science and technology the ultimate cure for cancer is something that is still out of reach for us humans. Development sentence examples:1.what are your plans for the Development of your company?2.the way children talk about or express their feelings depends on their age and stage of Development3.he is currently focusing on assessment and Development4.these documents provided a broad outline of the society's Development5.what Creativity is an important aspect for the development of human. This bridge has greatly helped the development of commerce. According to Ayurveda and modern medicine, obesity is caused due to a buildup of excessive fat in the body. , The cancer patient’s disease continued to spread, with development of harmful cells advancing quickly. The evolution of blood transfusion is a fascinating story. Looking for sentences with "professional development"? 15.china is ready to join the leading group for international solidarity levies to contribute to international Development cooperation.

Here are some examples. The newspapers help in the development of trade and commerce. We are rightly giving importance to the development of computers. He can speak French in addition to English. Burbank worked out in his mind and by actual experiments _distinctive methods_ of development-- _ development and changes along particular, definite lines.. He had given all his time and energy to the development of a particular field of science. Courses in development communication are offered at several institutes and universities. The waitress spread a white cloth over the table. We should work collectively for the economic development of the nation. Your expansion should be brief and to the point. They disturb the peace and obstruct the progress of the country. Many people suffer from bad smelling ear gauges due to buildup of dead cells . Smoking is one of the common risk factors in developing heart diseases.

30.citigroup's newly-acquired controlling stake in guangdong Development bank, with more than 500 branches, gives it a fair shot. There can be no progress without hard-work. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. He showed a lot of enthusiasm for the development of new products. The advancement of modern medicine was a long process.

2.the way children talk about or express their feelings depends on their age and stage of Development, 3.he is currently focusing on assessment and Development, 4.these documents provided a broad outline of the society's Development.

the process of growing and becoming larger or more advanced, The plant’s development moved from a small seed to a blooming flower. Basic 10 sentences 5 Advanced Sentences about development in a sentence There is character development of a sort, but the Star Trek crew are more archetypes than they are people. Examples of how to use “developmental psychology” in a sentence from the Cambridge Dictionary Labs 32.is this not a possible outcome of the Development of genetically modified food? 26.their inventions have contributed to the Development of electrical engineering. Looking for sentences with "character development"? Any attempt at spreading communalism must be suppressed with a firm hand.

21.consideration must be given to both the Development of production and the improvement of the people's livelihood. Through computerization, a nation can keep pace with the development of the other nations. Grasses are a large family of flowering plants that grow all over the world. The buildup of dead skin makes the skin look uneven and blotchy. personal development in a sentence - Use "personal development" in a sentence 1. Concerned about her baby’s development, the mother took him to a doctor to ask about his growth.

16.education is central to a country's economic Development. Peace is essential to our progress and development at all times. Finally, Alderfer isolates growth needs : an intrinsic desire for personal development.

He dwelt on the all-round development of the college. 563 more results not shown.

Examples of Development in a sentence. The development of the computer industry has been very rapid.

37.his Development policies have extracted cash from the city centre.

The invention of writing in the Near East was a momentous development in human history.

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8.diplomats, Development experts, and others in the united states government must be able to work side by side to support a common agenda.

This is type of arthritis that forms when the uric acid buildup in the body .

Definition of Development. New ideas on preregistration training sit alongside continuing professional development and revalidation. 22.the problem of pollution arises along with the rapid Development of industry. 5.what do you think today's Developments will mean for him? Various steps have been taken for the development of the villages. Please keep me informed of the development of the case. This has brought the development work to a grinding halt in the district. Here are some examples. 14.language emerges and develops with the emergence and Development of society. 19.the sums involved are beginning to outstrip individual contributions from traditional donors, including multilateral Development agencies. The last few weeks of pregnancy is highly important from the baby’s brain development perspective.

We made a fast progress because there was a steady win. We need a sample in addition to materials. Dr. Abdul Kalam’s name is written in golden letters in the direction of development and elevention of Missiles. 24.this should not present an obstacle to the Development of good relations between our two countries. Examples of how to use “development plan” in a sentence from the Cambridge Dictionary Labs

Sentence Examples. When the country is in the throes of Civil War it records no progress in any field. 39.facing our rapid Development of economy, and influx of foreign cultures, students'political awareness and values are easy to be influenced. 38.the Development of production impels us continuously to study technique. The expansion of the business will cost a lot of money. Advanced countries must give aid to developing countries. 13.it does not allow someone to exhume memories that are decades old or to retrace or undo human Development. There is improvement in the Condition of the patient. Effective steps need to be taken for the development of the villages in all spheres. Before advancing money to him I got it recorded in black and white. Technology in the field of medicine is advancing by leaps and bounds. The development of information technology has made the whole world a global village. 28.the talks will focus on economic Development of the region.

Our exports will increase by % next year. You had better ask him in advance how much it will cost.

18.its history is expressive of the character and Development of the people who possess it. Dr. Abdul Kalam’s name is written in golden letters in the direction of, The sports and games are very important for the, Village Panchayats can play a major role in the matter of rural, Energy crisis has a great bearing on all socio-economic, Education is indeed a constant process of, Education is the most important factor which plays a great role in the, Having a positive attitude is very essential for personality, Man’s complete life does not only lie in the work, but also in the, India has gained a considerable expertise in the, A good school is essential for the all round, Tourism plays a vital role in the economic, The issue of the child labour has now been an international concern as it highly involved in inhibiting the growth and, The major threat to humanity comes from the, Child labour interferes with the proper growth and, Evaluation should be on a regular basis and should judge the overall, Pay attention to their babbling and respond, an interaction is the key to language, Many advanced surgeries are possible with the, Linoleic acid is the most important essential fatty acid, especially for the growth and, Some people think that when all of their problems will be over, they will then start their, Interest and practice, both play vital roles in the, We are making rapid strides in every shape of, Corruption has become one of the big factors of obstructing the, Good school means where provision for the. 23.this money is intended for the Development of the tourist industry.

Decline, Decrease, Halt, Retreat, Retrogression, Stoppage, Lessening, Reduction, Shrinkage, Stagnation, Withdrawal. We are expecting an addition to our family. The band broke up in 2001 after various personal developments and tragedies. The whole thing is spreading like an epidemic. The factory’s output will increase this year. He opened his bag and spread out his articles. The aim of the government should be all round development of the citizens. Sentence with the word development.

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The plant’s development moved from a small seed to a blooming flower. There’s much room for improvement in this project. Encouragement is essential for the development of sports. 10.the zone now is one of the city's most attractive business Development zones with a strong and increasing momentum.

, The news reporter worked for an hour on the development of the breaking story. 6.water shortages in the area will be the main constraint on Development. 27.take grain as the key link, develop a diversified economy and ensure an all-round Development. There’s a distinct improvement in the patient’s condition. This is necessary for our healthy growth.

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