I live in Georgia I’ve attended yesterday’s zoom about Mars Retrograde, I opened the compass on my phone went outside around 8:45 -9:00 pm eastern time zone, walked down the driveway, it’s a beautiful driveway with and amazing view of the sky, So I walked down my driveway glancing, at my compass, got to the end of the driveway, I was already walking west, Look again at my compass, looked up and bam, there it was. See what's in store for your sign! Capricorn Horoscope for 17/10/2020. Love comes to the rescue in August, with Venus arriving in your romance zone before moving onto your passion zone in September, so it looks like your relationship will have weathered the storm by then. You bring me hope in my daily life. I am really interested in everything you do and I know I have psychic ability power to do things. Seek input from your family and your loved ones when making career choices this year – it’s not only you who will have to live with the results of your decisions. After all, marriage is about so much more than just romance or attraction. Men can read smaller print than women. As the year draws to a close, a Solar Eclipse in your spiritual zone in December will underline exactly how far you’ve come and how much you’ve grown this year. Feeling creative, Capricorn? Astrologer-Founder-CEO, No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world. Mars transits your sign during February, so your confidence and self-discipline will be growing, and you can start to move into your own skin. These movements are called transits and are used by astrologers to determine all the variations in different departments of your life. Kelli -- Love your readings. To ascertain such things as communication, short travels, contracts and other business agreements the planet Mercury and its aspect to, ANCIENT VEDIC SECRETS OF MANTRA AND  VIBRATIONAL HEALING, Changing Your Luck With Gemstones And Crystals, Virgo Zodiac Sign: August 23 – September 22, Libra Zodiac Sign: September 23 – October 22, Scorpio Zodiac Sign: October 23 – November 21, Sagittarius Zodiac Sign: November 22 – December 21, Capricorn Zodiac Sign: December 22 – January 19, Aquarius Zodiac Sign: January 20 – February 18, Pisces Zodiac Sign: February 19 – March 20, Best And Worst Star Sign Sexual Compatibility. [email protected].

Jupiter and Saturn are usually used to tell us on a yearly and to a three-year basis what the background events and experiences will be.

Enjoyed every moment, as usual.Thank you for your wisdom and time. Expertise surrounds you, so why aren’t you making use of it? I have really enjoyed your messages and insights and what's going on right now yes it's a very difficult time one of the most difficult times and I'm only helping I can make it through all this my relationship is awful after 16 years I finally giving up too destructive I deserve better it helps to know what's going on in the universe and how to direct energies I've started astrology for over 40 years should I understand the universe but not always how to direct it keep up the good work hopefully things will get better thanks. Energizing planet Mars transits this zone too, so this is an interesting month if you’re motivated to try out new business ideas, side hustles or ways of generating extra income. So your guidance helps to light the way. Playfulness is a key theme in your love life this year, most notably perhaps when energetic Mars shifts into your fun zone on Valentine’s Day. Thank you. The favourable aspects such as the 120° trine, 60° sextile, 72° quintile and even the semisextile of 30° I considered favourable and bring positive outcomes for the day, week or month in question. You experience many things emerging from your subconscious now. You're grounded and inspired now. If you’re in a relationship, there will be some testing times in 2020 as your lover gets used to the new you.

This astrological process of transformation begins almost immediately with a Lunar Eclipse in your partnership zone in early January. I highly recommend it to anyone, especially like me if you love astrology more as a hobby and just want to suck in as much information as you can. Normally, putting your best and brightest energy into a project or a relationship is the surest way to success. Do you enjoy long, flowing conversations, or do you suffer together through one awkward silence after another? So glad I started following. I Love receiving your mail & posts! I'm always an early riser!

Daily Horoscopes; Love Horoscopes; Weekly Video Horoscopes; 2020 Horoscope Forecast; Zodiac Sign Compatibility; Psychics; Astrology Readings ; Tarot; Blog. Perhaps you’re concerned about the way your partner handles money matters because it’s so different from your own approach — or maybe you’re actually too similar. Be careful, however. Now I am wondering if its time to go to a place closer to the town since it is a two lane road to get to town. Your love life benefits from increased charisma and physical attractiveness. I have known about the spirit world from being a small child and am in fact a registered healer working in my local church helping and teaching as many people as I can. Others value your wisdom, you know. Many blessings to you.

I would like to get inspiration from her.

I've come to trust her instincts as I do my own. March astrology suggests an interesting month for your finances, as stabilizing Saturn takes up residence in your money zone and is joined by dynamic Mars. Daily Love Chinese Career Streaming Quarantine Free Birth Chart. Are you destined to make a meeting of the minds, or do you just have absolutely nothing in common? Receive a free gift from me on your birthday. A Solar Eclipse in early July in your romance zone could mark a turning point, for better or for worse.

Whether you’re single and dating or happy in an established relationship, you’ll want to bring the magic back to love and you’ll enjoy being spontaneous and silly in love. When I found Kelli Fox it was what I needed to know and read about that I am as a Libra. The trigger planets of the faster moving bodies such as Mercury, Venus and Mars and for the day to day experiences the Moon’s two-day transit through each star sign is a very good yardstick by which to measure what is going to happen. Giving updates, constantly interacting at all times super engaged and is a support to those who not only want to learn on a personal level as well as collectively in a beautiful community. Go for complete honesty with your sweetheart and try to avoid anything deceptive. Take care. Monday to Thursday you should be feeling relaxed and sociable so this is an excellent time to be with others. Your imagination is wild today. To say this year has been so unpredictable is an understatement, but when you explain how the planets are ‘behaving’, it makes much more sense to me. Working conditions may not be ideal for a few months, but it’s nothing you can’t tolerate if you just follow your own path and keep working hard. Just a quick note to let you know that I look forward to your daily forecasts in my in-box. You were my first astrologer. Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus! A stunning trine between Jupiter and Uranus in mid-December highlights another enormous surge of creativity: this is the perfect moment for getting ambitious artistic projects off the ground. It’s important for Capricorn to feel that they’re getting somewhere and that time and energy isn’t wasted. At the end of March, argumentative Mars shifts into your everyday work zone, possibly increasing tensions among colleagues. I look forward to reading all that you put out there.

Horary astrology is a system of divination using horoscopes prepared for the time of a question.

I am thoroughly enjoying receiving your horoscopes and informative information on how the planets are affecting our everyday lives. Although we pride ourselves on our astrological expertise and intuitive insights, these things are of no use unless we can help you translate those findings, readings, and intuitions into some form of practical self-empowerment. Blinking I thought it was a plane at first, the sky was clear so I was able to see all the other stars very well, but Mars from where its located was by itself, there wasn’t any other stars around it, it had a bit reddish glow to it that’s how I knew it was Mars, one of the best days of my life, you want to know something cool, my son is a Scorpio Nov 14/2005 words can’t express the feeling I had knowing that I was looking at my sons ruler, I am a Taurus May 19/1986 special night for me. I love your email. Mid 2020 brings a series of eclipses that impact your love life and your sense of identity as well. +61 413 124 809

Not everyone is as advanced in their understanding of systems and processes as you are. Hi Kelli, I just had an odd urge to tell you hello. You are an incredible teacher. So exciting and know I am getting accurate information. For the long-term cycles, we take the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Dadhichi will bring his 35 years+ experience in Vedic and Western Astrology to answer your burning question in this focused reading. xxx. Others will have to adapt to the changing Capricorn identity, whether they like it or not. A Solar Eclipse in your partnership zone highlights how others may not be entirely on board with your plans, Capricorn, but a Lunar Eclipse in your spiritual zone confirms that you’re doing the right thing for you. A Lunar Eclipse in your love zone in early January is swiftly followed by the exact Saturn-Pluto conjunction on January 12 in your own sign, and this is where change begins. Not too sure if any of it will come true. Issues of trust inhibit intimacy. Thank you so very much for all that you do! All kidding aside, I have sent a subscription of yours to my best life partner (only)!

Do you get along like two peas in a pod, or do you go at it like Siamese fighting fish? Capricorn in the tenth sign of the zodiac and is one of the most ambitious and authoritarian of zodiac signs. Mars is a more passionate planet and indicates how you may approach your more carnal appetites, sexuality, competitions and those physical parts of your being. Thank you, Kelli Fox. Kelli Fox you are amazingly spot on with all your messages and predictions! It's like magic, you actually don't know where you are going, very confused as what is going to happen but I know something beautiful is going to happen! This month's specials are available to all visitors and offer substantial savings on already discounted reports, products, and services!

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