He later captures Aladdin and throws Jasmine to the ground (not recognizing her as the Princess), but when she angrily tells them to unhand Aladdin "by order of the Princess" (while revealing her identity in the process), he is shocked and instantly apologetic. Yokai | Cecil Clayton |

Villains |

Abgesehen davon bietet der Film eine einfallsarme Zweitauflage mit wenig überzeugenden Erweiterungen, einigem Leerlauf und teilweise schwach profilierten Figuren.

『アラジン』(原題:Aladdin)は、2019年のアメリカ合衆国のミュージカル・ファンタジー映画。『千夜一夜物語』の『アラジンと魔法のランプ』に基づき1992年に制作されたディズニーの長編アニメーション映画作品『アラジン』の実写リメイク作品である。, 船に乗って旅をしている家族。その父親が2人の子どもにアラジンの物語を聞かせることから始まる。, アグラバーの町で猿のアブーとともに暮らす貧しい青年アラジン。市場へ繰り出しては盗みを働いていた彼は、ある日、変装した王女ジャスミンと出会う。アラジンは侍女のふりをしたジャスミンと心を通わせるが、アブーが彼女の母の形見である腕輪を盗んだことで幻滅されてしまう。アラジンは腕輪を返すために王宮に忍び込み、ジャスミンとの再会を果たすが、衛兵に捕らえられる。国務大臣のジャファーは、ジャスミンが王女であることをアラジンに教え、チャンスを与えると言って、魔法の洞窟に入って魔法のランプを取ってくるよう命じる。, アブーとともに洞窟に入ったアラジンは、岩に挟まれていた魔法の絨毯を助け、ランプを取ることに成功するが、アブーが「ランプ以外の財宝に触ってはいけない」という掟を破って宝石に触れたことで、洞窟に閉じ込められてしまう。途方に暮れたアラジンだったが、絨毯の指示でランプをこすったところ、ランプの中から魔人ジーニーが出現。ジーニーはランプをこすりながら願い事を言えば3つかなえると言う。アラジンはジーニーの目をごまかして願い事を言ったふりをして魔法を使わせて洞窟から脱出すると、1つめの願いで架空の国「アバブワ」の王子・アリとして名前と服装を変え、ジャスミンのもとへと向かう。, ディズニーのファンイベント「D23 Expo 2017」でキャストが発表された[8]。, 2019年7月、ディズニーが続編を企画していることが分かった。その際にはストーリーは1994年にリリースされたビデオ作品で、アニメーション版『アラジン』の続編にあたる『アラジン/ジャファーの逆襲』が基になるとのことであったが、2020年2月、実写版の続編はアニメーション版の続編を基にすることはせず、完全オリジナル作品になると語っている。, “ディズニー実写「アラジン」吹き替え版の主人公は中村倫也! ジャスミン役は木下晴香に”, 実写版『アラジン』ジーニー役にウィル・スミス、ジャスミンは『パワーレンジャー』ナオミ・スコットに決定, 【国内映画ランキング】「アラジン」V2、「MIB」は2位発進、「ガルパン」ほかアニメ3本ランクイン, 【国内映画ランキング】「アラジン」V4で興収72億突破、2位「スパイダーマン」は3日で10億, 【国内映画ランキング】「アラジン」「スパイダーマン」ワンツー変わらず。「ダイナー」が3位デビュー, 【国内映画ランキング】「トイ・ストーリー4」洋画アニメ歴代No.1の大ヒットスタート!, ディズニー実写『アラジン』令和初の興収100億円超え 中村倫也・山寺宏一らが喜びのコメント, 【国内映画ランキング】「天気の子」V2、「アルキメデスの大戦」は3位、「仮面ライダー」2本立てが4位、「ペット2」5位発進, 【国内映画ランキング】「天気の子」V3、「ワイルド・スピード」は2位、「ドラゴンクエスト ユア・ストーリー」4位発進, 劇場版 Fate/stay night Heaven's Feel II.

Neils Skellig | Wunder soll auf Wunder folgen, ein atemberaubender Anblick auf den anderen, dazu die strahlende Schönheit der Sternennacht über ihnen, während ihr bis dahin befangener Umgang miteinander einem liebevollen Verständnis weicht – auch wenn Jasmin erst zu ahnen beginnt, dass sich hinter der Maske des Prinzen der ihr wesentlich liebere Straßendieb Aladdin verbirgt. Supreme Commander | Connie | Shere Khan (1998) |

Kaa (2016) | Cutler Beckett | Card Soldiers | Descendants Villains | Disappointed, Jafar makes his second wish to become the most powerful sorcerer in the world before teleporting Hakim and the guards to the dungeon cells.

Auf den ersten Blick fällt auf, dass Aladdin seine lila Weste gegen eine etwas bedeckendere Kleidung eingetauscht hat - obwohl Agrabahs Nächte doch heißer als heiß sind. Blackbeard |

Shelley | Fillmore! Nikabrik |

Cad Lackey | Wir haben uns einmal die neuen Versionen unserer Lieblingsfiguren angeschaut und mit den gezeichneten Originalen verglichen. Neverland Pirates (Mr. Smee) | Ratso Ratzkiwatzki | Lonesome Ghosts | Disney Characters introduced in Dream Drop Distance: Quasimodo • Esmeralda • Phoebus • Judge Claude Frollo • Victor, Hugo, and Laverne • Kevin Flynn • Sam Flynn • Quorra • CLU • Rinzler • Black Guards • Blue Fairy • Beagle Boys • Chernabog's Minions • Julius

Mr. James Hook |

Razoul und die Agrabah-Garde - Remake und Original ... Aladdin startet am 23.05.2019 in den deutschen Kinos.

However, he lacks the same crazed lust for power that characters like Jafar show and obeys his orders. Jean-Pierre Le Pelt | Distracted, Razoul attempted to arrest Aladdin again, but was knocked unconscious by Cassim. Honest John | Humma Kavula |

Mighty Ducks Villains |

Diaval | Razoul and some of his men jump out as well, only to fall into a big stinky pile of manure. Pom-Pom | Thugs (Fidget, Felicia & Bartholomew) | Cherokee | Aladdin is a 2019 American live-action animated musical fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Pictures.

Nizam |

Smith & Wesson | Recognizing his Sultan had gone insane, Razoul instead told Jasmine to run, staying behind as a distraction to allow the possessed Sultan to attack him (even though he knew he could easily be killed) so that Jasmine would have more time to escape.

Shere Khan | He appears to take pleasure from the authority he commands and performing acts of violence and is quite happy to carry out executions. Aunt Sponge |

Fleshlumpeater |

Known as Hakim in this version, he is the head of the palace guards, and loyal to the Sultan with a slightly larger role and backstory as the son of a palace servant. Crimes In the end, Razoul catches the bouquet at Aladdin and Jasmine's wedding, indicating that he's finally learning to accept the former Street Rat.

Razoul was named after Disney layout artist, Rasoul Azadani. Erik & Francis | Razoul replies that he would, but Aladdin's arrest was specifically under Jafar's orders, and that she must speak with him.

Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts Union χ: Sultan • Samson • Vanellope von Schweetz • Fix-It Felix Jr. • Sergeant Calhoun • King Candy • Sour Bill • Cy-Bugs • Hero's Duty Troops Reggie, Darnell & Two Fingers |

Knave of Hearts | Cave of Wonders (2019) | Hydra | Aladdin - Wir vergleichen die Figuren aus Remake und Original, Übersicht aller kommenden Disney-Live-Action-Verfilmungen, We Almost Lost Bochum - Die Geschichte von RAG. Lash | Once Aladdin decided to stop listening to both his and Iago's pointless advice, Razoul and the other guards then aided Aladdin with his plan that allowed them to trap Malcho. Upon Jafar's defeat, all of his magic is undone, and as such Hakim is freed. Mack McCro | Buldeo |

Stitches | Samuel Mason |

False Shadow Blot | Tangled Villains | Duke of Weselton | Foxy Loxy |

Gaston LeGume | Lothar | Razoul is a minor antagonist in Disney's 1992 animated feature film Aladdin and the captain of the Agrabah Guard. • Disney in the Stars • Fantasy in the Sky • Happily Ever After • Harmonious • Ignite the Dream: A Nighttime Spectacular of Magic and Light • Mickey's Mix Magic • Once Upon a Time • Remember... Dreams Come True • Wishes • Wonderful World of Animation • World of Color

Daher darf auch Äffchen Abu nicht in der Realfilmumsetzung fehlen, der hier per CGI animiert wurde.

Disappointed, Jafar makes his second wish to become the most powerful sorcerer in the world before teleporting Hakim and the guards to the dungeon cells. Razoul is unsympathetic and menacing for lawbreakers, whether young, old, male or female.

Gustav the Giant |

Tom, Dick & Stanley (2017) | Sir Hiss | Leland Drury |

Oogie Boogie |

Kerwood Krinkle |

Witch |

S.I.R. Peter Pan Villains | When the Sultan was taken over by the spirit of Kileem's armor in "Armored and Dangerous", he eventually ordered Jasmine's execution, to which the reluctant Razoul was supposed to behead her.

Regie: Guy Ritchie. Pink Elephants | Wie im Bild zu sehen ist, werden sich die Palastwachen äußerlich stark von ihren Zeichentrick-Vorgängern unterscheiden.

Shark | Bookman | Mr. Whiskers |

Master Gracey | The character named "Razoul" made an appearance in the live-action film in a minor role, portrayed by Robby Hayne, making a cameo in the Prince Ali sequence. Razoul is vulnerable when he holds his sword out to the side and his empty hand out to the other side in a relaxed stance. Dr. Claw |

Mama Gunda | Rhino Guards | Twisted: The Untold Story of A Royal Vizier: Aladdin | The Sultan | The Evil Vizier | Prince Achmed, Video Games

However, when Jasmine gives an inspiring speech over Hakim's sense of honor and Jafar's disregard for Agrabah's people, Hakim apologizes before ordering the guards to arrest the vizier once again. Dr. Kozak |

Wreck-It Ralph Villains | Aladdin is a lovable street urchin who meets Princess Jasmine, the beautiful daughter of the sultan of Agrabah. He does this for a short while after using his jumping attack. Clean the streets of Agrabah and enforce its laws.

The Owl House Villains | Aconcagua | Bandits | Lil Lightning | However, he lacks the same crazed lust for power that characters like Jafar show, and obeys his orders. Davy Jones | He was voiced by Jim Cummings, who also played Steele in Balto by Universal Pictures, Dennis in Disney's Tarzan, Ed in Disney's The Lion King, Long John Silver in The Pagemaster by 20th Century Fox, Hernán Cortés in DreamWorks' The Road of El Dorado, Budzo in Zambezia, and notably the fellow Disney villain Peg Leg Pete. Filmklassiker: Die seltsame Liebe der Martha Ivers, A Quiet Passion - Das Leben der Emily Dickinson, Lynyrd Skynyrd - If I Leave Here Tomorrow (arte). Jennifer Stone |

In the episode "Destiny on Fire", Razoul was notably depressed after the Sultan was captured by Aziz, and is relentless, intransigent and uncooperative in his mission to rescue both him and Jasmine.

Razoul has a larger role in The Return of Jafar. Pramod Kadam |

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