17 Benjamin Franklin Quotes on Tyranny, Liberty, and Rights. The whole structure of African government, as far back as we know, was based on tyranny. It is the besetting vice of democracies to substitute public opinion for law. And I don't mean power in that they can exert tyrannical control over others. When catastrophe strikes, generosity spikes like a fever. Tyranny, restrictions on human freedom, come primarily from governmental restrictions that we ourselves have set up. Government (627 quotes). Votes: 1, Democratic forms of government are vulnerable to mass prejudice, the so-called tyranny of the majority. That is usually only the prelude to a new tyranny, a new oppression. We spoke and acted as if, given the opportunity for self-government, we would quickly create utopias.

The critic is like a midwife - a tyrannical midwife. It has committed acts that are extremely unjust, hideous and criminal, whether directly or through its support of the Israeli occupation. Poetry, I feel, is a tyrannical discipline. Votes: 1, The best government is a benevolent tyranny tempered by an occasional assassination. Votes: 0, The fundamental force behind the Second Amendment is to empower the people and give them the greatest measure of authority over the tyranny of runaway government. That's why no one can be a Superman. The fundamental force behind the Second Amendment is to empower the people and give them the greatest measure of authority over the tyranny of runaway government.

It was written to protect those values from government tyranny.

Some dying men are the most tyrannical; and certainly, since they will shortly trouble us so little for evermore, the poor fellows ought to be indulged. Charity bestowed upon those who are worthy of it is like good seed sown on a good soil that yields an abundance of fruits. Women deeply want men who are competent and powerful. Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny. I think the adverb is a much-maligned part of speech. Votes: 1, Margaret Thatcher was a 20th century visionary who understood the power of individual freedom versus the tyranny of government collectivism. It's part of us, of our European identity. The pendulum has swung too far toward intolerance against genuine religious freedom. Votes: 1, It is an essential tenet of our whole representative form of government, the idea that there should not be some tyranny which makes it so nobody can even have a chance to vote. Votes: 0, When the people are afraid of the government, that's tyranny. It's always accused of being oppressive, even tyrannical, when in fact it's so supple and sly. I fear America is teetering towards tyranny. For any young democracy, the most difficult but important step is burying the legacy of tyranny and establishing an economy and a government and institutions that abide by the rule of law. Votes: 2, The most unresolved problem of the day is precisely the problem that concerned the founders of this nation: how to limit the scope and power of government. I lived for a long time in a totalitarian state, and I know firsthand that horror. Votes: 1, When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know, the end result is tyranny and oppression no matter how holy the motives. “No free government was ever founded, or ever preserved in its liberty, … The federal government is our servant, not our master!

He despises tyranny. It is an essential tenet of our whole representative form of government, the idea that there should not be some tyranny which makes it so nobody can even have a chance to vote.

First, I was opposed to gay marriage because it seemed like one more way that gays were wanting to assimilate.

The Conservative does not despise government. You are wrong if you think that you can in any way take the vision and tame it to the page. Votes: 4, Obama recently warned some college graduates against being all worried about government tyranny, and Obama has good reason to warn you against that because worrying about government tyranny is the exact sort of thing that will get you audited. Israel is a lighthouse and the only democracy in a dark and tyrannical region. Votes: 0, The Conservative does not despise government. Votes: 0, Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one. Votes: 1, For any young democracy, the most difficult but important step is burying the legacy of tyranny and establishing an economy and a government and institutions that abide by the rule of law. I've always considered the government taking one out of every two dollars I earn absolute tyranny. Benjamin Franklin was dubbed “The First American” for a reason. No cause is left but the most ancient of all, the one, in fact, that from the beginning of our history has determined the very existence of politics, the cause of freedom versus tyranny. If America is to make progress, we must step forward from this form of politics - not just because we disagree with this or that policy but because it is fundamentally undemocratic and tyrannical. The Government of the absolute majority instead of the Government of the people is but the Government of the strongest interests; and when not efficiently checked, it is the most tyrannical and oppressive that can be devised. That's why they put so many checks and balances into our system, to guard against the excesses of a government that might be inflamed by public passion or perverted by a dictator's whim. Tyranny is the political corollary of socialism, as representative government is the political corollary of the market economy. There's a lot of hypocrisy and condescension in Israel's institutionalized support for Mubarak's tyrannical rule, in its backing of a corrupt leader who established a brutal secret police state to suppress his citizens and keep their mouths shut.

Votes: 2, Traditionally, Africans hate governments. When the Islamic revolution began in 1979 under the leadership of Ayatollah Khomeini, it aroused considerable admiration in the Arab street. Explore 236 Tyranny Quotes by authors including Montesquieu, Edmund Burke, and James Madison at BrainyQuote. Or, when Obamacare is in full force, it will be the attitude that gets you denied life saving health care. Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day. Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. For any young democracy, the most difficult but important step is burying the legacy of tyranny and establishing an economy and a government and institutions that abide by the rule of law. The secreting or hoarding of knowledge or information may be an act of tyranny camouflaged as humility. Courage spreads in the face of tyranny. Hence the necessity of abolishing the State. That's not power. Votes: 0, Tyranny seldom announces itself...In fact, a tyranny may exist without an individual tyrant. They have the same passions for fame, power, and money, as minorities; and are liable and likely to be equally - perhaps more than equally, because more boldly - rapacious, tyrannical and unprincipled, if intrusted with power. Votes: 1, The very purpose of the Second Amendment is to stop the government from disallowing people the means to defend themselves against tyranny. Votes: 0, In a healthy nation there is a kind of dramatic balance between the will of the people and the government, which prevents its degeneration into tyranny. The heights of popularity and patriotism are still the beaten road to power and tyranny. Many Americans have been looking for an explanation for Mr. Trump's apparent adoration of Mr. Putin. Or, when Obamacare is in full force, it will be the attitude that gets you denied life saving health care.

The federal government is our servant, not our master! Any proposal to abuse executive power and infringe upon gun rights must be repelled with the stiffest legislative force possible. Chiefs like Chaka and Mzilikazi committed terrible atrocities. When justices seize authority from the other branches of the federal government, as well as state and local governments, under the rubric of judicial review, that's tyranny. It is not my nature, when I see a people borne down by the weight of their shackles - the oppression of tyranny - to make their life more bitter by heaping upon them greater burdens; but rather would I do all in my power to raise the yoke than to add anything that would tend to crush them. The very purpose of the Second Amendment is to stop the government from disallowing people the means to defend themselves against tyranny.

If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy. When you look at a corporation, just like when you look at a slave owner, you want to distinguish between the institution and the individual. And I think being a good director is being able to be completely tyrannical and you've got to be an absolute dictator while at the same time, you have to listen and see everything because it can all change on a dime. They are men of the same nature as minorities. Every country faces challenges to the rule of law, including my own. That we're told we'll violate the constitutional separation of church and state established by the Founding Fathers and the First Amendment. Every country faces challenges to the rule of law, including my own. No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets. Anywhere, anytime ordinary people are given the chance to choose, the choice is the same: freedom, not tyranny; democracy, not dictatorship; the rule of law, not the rule of the secret police. Not only are employees disenfranchised from most policy decisions, they lack even the power to rebel against egocentric and tyrannical supervisors.

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