Ever. She dealt with a teen pregnancy crisis. Their energy is from the Universe, a deeply spiritual light that goes beyond their own person. There is a balance in all of her qualities. She is an air sign but resembles more a hurricane than tropical breeze when her temper flares.

Although you want to tackle obstacles, you tend to take a more philosophical approach to things.

If you know how to develop the qualities of your Taurus ascendant, you will develop patience, which would complement your sun sign. Journalism and marketing would be good for her to because these are jobs that require creativity. Not to mention she can’t focus for too long on the same thing, whether it’s from her professional or personal life. They do not require or even admire perfection much. The way they react to what is happening around them is very interesting. More interested in progress and intuitive in their behavior, the Aquarius Sun Pisces Moon people can’t stick to a routine. That’s why they will have more jobs than most people. She may be a teacher or volunteer. Aquarius: Three Signs Your Relationships are Making You Anxious and Unhappy.

Not one to usually cheat, a Scorpio might just be the one to drive you into the arms of another. A Pisces will not appreciate the amount of alone time and personal space an Aquarius needs. Aquarius with Pisces rising gives a characteristic extreme sensitivity which is comparable to that of Chopin (pianist).

Compatible Sun Signs: Freedom loving Aquarius woman, being an air sign, is best compatible with the other air signs in the Zodiac, i.e. But she wants a secure relationship. When you decide to, you can change the world. But it wouldn’t matter the way they treat their lover, as they will still think love is sacred. You should try to use your powers as a peace-maker for good. He will end up not knowing how to separate feelings and activities. Is it difficult to maintain the balance? You might also beware that your openness to expanding your consciousness does not lead to leaning on substances.

People born with their Sun in Aquarius and the Moon in Pisces are gentle and very supportive. Because they believe in others very much, many will try to take advantage of them. She wants to express herself and her freedom anyways. No one is better than them at offering support but they can be easily influenced and lose themselves in other people’s pain. The Sun and Aquarius in Love will shine brightly and warm all who enter your presence. She will also encourage you to nurture your inner child. I hope you found this article useful.

Be cautious not to play know-it-all. Your best matches in love include Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius. This is the kiss of death to a relationship with an Aquarius. Everything out of the ordinary and abstract interests them. Such a person is a typical miser and is quite frugal with their spending. Often times you would be correct in that assumption. Our Scared Mother…the union and peace between different entities. She will want to educate and inspire them. She faced fear and prejudice when she came out over a decade ago. They are not stuck in one school of thought, but rather keep their eyes on the horizons of change.

You are a dreamer. But they will often feel conflicted by the fact that they are practical and at the same time very spiritual. And they will definitely care about any problem others have. Let’s look at her compatibility with each of these Zodiac signs. Your worst defect is intolerance. Insightful Analyses Into What It Means To Be An Aquarius. Your star sign will not encounter many other visiting forces. They don’t really care too much about money because they are able to rise above the material world. Their need to show themselves will only be satisfied through art. Pisces, Scorpio, and Virgo are probably better as acquaintances or friends than romantic partners. Not the most talented leaders, Aquarius Sun Pisces Moon people are better when they need to use their talents and their creativity. A Virgo will demand a strict discipline be kept all the time. Often in an attempt to self-medicate, the problem only becomes worse. When you find someone to love, you jump on your prey without giving them a chance to react. They may not even realize what all you are working on, in the back of your mind. As their symbol suggests, people in this sign can have contradicting opinions and not know where to go because the two fishes in their sign swim in opposite directions. Your wit amazes those around you. You have the will to fulfill the most difficult spiritual goals. As an Aquarius, she’s independent, intelligent and creative. Moon Pisces are dreamy and not all the time anchored in reality. At work, you may have problems because of your tendency to want to dominate others. Doors open for you to develop all your creative power.

Aquarius Soulmate Compatibility: Who’s Their Lifetime Partner? And he will be like this no matter the situation or the people he’s dealing with. Imaginative, the man with the Aquarius Sun Pisces Moon combination thinks a lot in images. You are all about growth and renewal.

If you are between fulfilling relationships, volunteer at a hospital or a home for the elderly. If you keep yourself so inaccessible, you will become insensitive, even to yourself, and your actions will be totally impersonal. You are the pioneer of the Aquarians, but do not take it so seriously because you can easily fall into fanaticism without realizing it. You are the prototype of the Aquarius sign, with its virtues and the defects, except for any particular considerations in your natal chart.

She will most likely get together with people who think like her. While you have an open-mind, you guard your heart a little more closely. They are fun at a party, at a romantic dinner, or just chilling on the couch. Even so, you will always keep your sense of justice and beauty intact.

You afford others second chances when you can. Can you think of a famous Aquarius who does not match up to their star-child star sign expectations? She will cut you out of her life, if necessary. Sex with an Aquarius woman is never boring. You also have no shortage of mistakes to learn from.

Everyone you come in contact with may not show you appreciation.

Moon Pisces are known for their kindness and loyalty. Your year will kick off with a bang, as the Sun will be the first to enter Aquarius, on January 19th. If you are between jobs, find somewhere to volunteer. Men born in your star sign usually look amazing in this color, as well. You support causes with solidarity, and every time that you do so, you become more human.

It’s easy for them to make friends with anyone, plus they will give all they have to their loved ones and they will be modest about it. You will have to overcome obstacles, but you are capable of doing so. He is associated with a love of music and community. You will succeed in any undertaking, provided that you face it with the spirit of conquest. Your efforts are directed towards the professional and social field.

Her mind thinks fast and she can do almost anything she wants in life. At work, this will give you a very special talent for making productive connections. Beware this temptation. The purple of the amethyst reminds you to think of things higher than yourself. An Aquarian would not make a very good authoritarian dictator. She will keep you guessing and laughing. Individualistic and attracted to the spiritual world, the Aquarius Sun Pisces Moon natives are friendly and highly perceptive. When it comes to love, they want to meet their soulmate and to live with him or her for a lifetime. They like to work but won’t stay for too long at a job. The humble and simple disposition typical of Virgo calms the desire to become independent. Therefore, they promote stability. Sun Aquarians approach their relationships in a unique way. An Aquarius woman will want to help the entire world. You take your idealism to a Utopian extreme. When seeing someone in a bad situation, they will do anything to help. She will react immediately to stimuli because she’s observant but she won’t be too deep for she doesn’t like to deal with details. They just know that they are happier when you are around. Your sign is about bearing water, letting it go, and refilling your vessel. Love relationships are passionate and generous. They can identify what’s wrong and what’s right. The Aquarius Sun Pisces Moon man will always look dreamy and will play the confusion card, as if he doesn’t know where he is. As a Pisces Moon, she can adapt, overcome and tolerate others’ flaws. They remind you to think in terms a harmony higher than yourself. Gemini will allow the Water-Bearer license to let their imaginations run wild.

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