Ball python’s are great snakes to handle. It’s not hard to see why.

This morh is also a mutation of a basic Ball Python, and is used to breed many different ball python morphs. Some offspring are also carriers of the mutant gene, even if they appear to be normal. There is no known cure for snake wobble. If there’s one …, Read moreBest Ball Python Cages & Enclosures – Types & Setup, Corn snakes and ball pythons are two of the most popular pet snakes. All those frozen mice and rats, while not expensive on their own, start to add up when you’re buying and feeding in bulk. They’re not just beautiful; they’re also typically docile, reasonably-sized and very forgiving. Hopefully, by the end, …, Read moreBest Ball Python Substrate & Bedding Options, Much has been written in the past about ball python cages, and each keeper will have their own preferences. As well as being attractive in their own rights they’re also the basis for a whole load of rarer and more complex morphs seen in the hobby.

Expect to pay anywhere between $200-$400 for one of these. Python breeders have developed many morphs with altered colors and patterns. Some other breeders are simply collectors who enjoy having snakes with different types of markings. Look at how dark the black part of this spider ball python is. The purpose of this article is to discuss my own experiences with a range of different substrates, discussing the positives and the negatives of each. Although the popularity of python breeding has led to more captive-bred ball python pets, it is often che… So, there is definitely an argument to continue to breed the Spider morph, too. The name “Blue Eyed Lucy” is quite a mouthful, so they’re sometimes simply known as “BEL pythons” or …, Read moreBlue Eyed Lucy Ball Pythons: Complete Care Guide, While there are many different snakes that you can keep as a pet, one of the most popular options is the ball python. Supers are offspring which exhibit the next step in mutation, typically with even paler colors and thinner black lines. On the other hand, most morphs could be considered “genetic defects”.

Selecting the best bedding for ball pythons is far from easy, due to the wide range of different products available, and differing opinions on many internet forums. In the wild, pythons are endangered.

It typically has thin black lines that run horizontally on its body and a pale yellow background color.

There’s good news – ball pythons haven’t just become popular pets because they look …. Not surprisingly, they also tend to be some of the more expensive specimens currently available to hobbyists and breeders. They also prefer warm temperatures, typically between 85-88 degrees Fahrenheit (29.5-31 degrees Celsius), but as low as 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24 degrees Celsius) during winter. Spider ball pythons are stunning snakes. Read moreCorn Snake or Ball Python: What’s the Best Pet Snake?

There is a lot of disagree and bad advice out there, so in this article I want to discuss what has worked well for me, …, Read moreBall Python Humidity: Increasing & Maintaining the Right Humidity for Your Python, As someone with a decent number of snakes, I’ve been alarmed over the last few years to find my feeding bill going up and up. If you have a ball python that’s not eating, …, Read moreBall Python Not Eating? All rights reserved. Ball pythons like small close quarters.

So, just what are Spider Ball Pythons all about? Albino, or Amelanistic ball python. This creates a …, Read moreBanana Snakes: Banana Ball Python Morph Care Guide, Blue Eyed Lucy ball pythons are one of the most stunning of all the morphs in my opinion. Females are slightly larger, growing up to 4.5 (about 137 cm) long. Male pythons are usually sexually mature at one year old. Typically, whenever a spider ball python is bred with another snake, whether it is another spider mutation or a different variation, it will produce some percentage of spider ball mutants. Return to top. Here are some places you may find one: She is acting so proud slithering around her terrarium. This gradient then allows your snake to move about and find the area that best suits them. Based on the coupling, the offspring may include spider mutants, non-mutants, "normals," or "supers." Ball pythons are one of the most popular pet snakes, and for good reason. What Are the Pros and Cons of Choosing a Female Ball Python?

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