While going slow is the flavor of the month, you’ll need the juice you’ve got to navigate an active October, one that includes a doubleheader of full moons—also called a “bclass="body-el-link standard-body-el-link" lue moon” month—and Mercury turning retrograde from Tuesday, October 13 to November 3. Time-out! Sudden developments in a business or romantic partnership could be on the horizon as the month ends. If you'd like to go back in time and read a past monthly horoscope, see the horoscopes archive. A misbegotten obsession with “perfection” could derail your efforts as you could find something wrong with everyone. The people you come into contact with could have all sorts of secrets or be bothered by what’s going on behind the curtain and your tendency to manipulate. A tense power struggle could erupt again.

On the plus side, once this is done, Mercury won’t mess with you (or anyone else) until next year. Don’t start anything new. Silver lining: Next month’s new moon will be in YOUR sign.
You hate to completely sever a tie, but this period might help you gently release the past so you can move on. These aspects have also taken place in August, but then Mars was in direct motion. With vixen Venus in Virgo and your communal zone from October 2 to 27, you could feel sparks with a person in your social circle or someone you meet online. Key Dates: While that might mean an unplanned proposal or a startling breakup, it could also serve a moment of authenticity that, while unpredictable, also brings you closer together. You get the chance to set your life on a new basis, to stand out and make a name for yourself. If you never did the necessary “getting over them” process, take a time-out and heal your heart before forcing yourself to open up. The Jupiter-Pluto conjunction also impacts Scorpions’ material situation because Jupiter is the ruler of the 2nd house (worked-for money, personal values and resources). See if there’s a live ember worth swiping for—or at least explore whether this person is worth getting to know a little better. From an epic decluttering that would do Marie Kondo proud to a total revamp of your eating and exercise habits, la luna will support you in making major positive changes. This is a great day to speak openly about an attraction to someone you’ve only been casual friends with up until now. Use your newfound knowledge to make profound improvements in your love life. Self-care and a Halloween partnership moment. A Halloween full moon in Taurus will activate your partnerships sector. Love and Life as a Couple: This is a time to focus on tying up loose ends rather than starting anything new. And as Pluto travels alongside lucky Jupiter and structured Saturn, writing, teaching and media projects could thrive. One benefit of a retrograde Mercury is that it can sometimes smile on your efforts to revisit old projects and relationships. Oct 1, 2020 ELLE ... More From Monthly Horoscopes 2020. Meditate on how others perceive you (friends could be a good mirror for you)!

By and large, you’re not famous for your skill of speaking about your feelings or communicating from heart to heart, but lately (from April until now) it’s become clearer and clearer that you need to make a serious change in this regard.
May 21 - Jun 20 . A reconciliation could still be possible, but you may not have enough information to make the right decision just yet. Did you sense a flirty vibe during that Zoom breakout session or from someone sliding into your DMs? With both of these personal planets in your shadowy twelfth house, there’s no escaping the necessary work of closing a door where you’re hanging onto false hope. But wait! Career and Money: You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.io. As the saying goes, “It’s who you know.” And that will ring true for the rest of the year starting October 4, when your ruler, powerhouse Pluto, ends a five-month retrograde through Capricorn and your communication house. Speak freely now and make up for lost time. On Tuesday, October 13, communication planet Mercury turns retrograde (backward) until November 3. When Mercury dips even further back into Libra from October 27 on, you’ll want to guard against leaked secrets and misinformation. If you’re married, you get the attention and love of your better half; if you’re single, you can fully invest your heart into a new relationship.

Today’s new moon can help you begin the process. Weekly; Daily; 2020; next month. Venus – ruler of Scorpio’s relationships, partnerships, and marriage – transits your 11th house (friends, socio-professional groups, the online world) between October 2 and 28, and the aspects in which it’s involved are harmonious, which means that you’re in for an excellent term for socializing, making friends, and flirting. On Friday, October 9, the pint-sized powerhouse gets embroiled in a conflict-addled square with hotheaded Mars—a volatile Mars-Pluto standoff that happened in the same zodiac signs back on August 13. Enemies are all around you. But here eAstrolog.com recommends more care, particularly after October 13 when Mercury – ruler of your 11th house – begins its retrograde motion through Scorpio. Otherwise, the first three weeks of October are best for winding down, healing, and processing.

Every item on this page was chosen by an ELLE editor. Scorpio Monthly Horoscope (October 23 - November 21) By The AstroTwins. This week, you get a little reprieve from Mercury retrograde—but you’re not out of the woods yet. You can be quite a handful as Mars in Aries and your nitpicky sixth house faces off against Jupiter in your communication zone. Conserve your energy, Scorpio. Career and Finances: Gemini .

Not only is this the month’s rare second full moon, but la luna will also be in tight conjunction (meetup) to changemaker Uranus. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy. Horoscopes . Yes, Scorpio, your sign’s legendary control issues ARE real…at least today. On Thursday, October 22, the Sun swings into Scorpio for a month, waking you up and bringing your energy back. With the confident, life-giving Sun heating up all things Scorpio until November 21, this is THE time to point your compass in a different direction. Home; Horoscope . That Halloween full moon in Taurus will beam into your relationship zone, with changemaker Uranus riding shotgun. It’ll happen again on October 19 (with Mercury retrograde) and November 17, so if you can stall until after that final hit, you’ll have a lot more data and insight to make an informed decision. All the more reason to clear the decks! Many of these investments seem to be insecure, so there’s a risk of really harming your material situation, if you’re not careful. Jun 21 - Jul 22 . Aquarius Monthly Horoscope… What zodiac signs are good matches for Scorpio. Even if you can’t have the birthday celebration of your dreams, you’ll soon feel the excitement of a much-needed fresh start. Avoid hitting below the belt with button-pushing barbs. Either way, significant opportunities are coming your way when it comes to developing your business or making a stand professionally. You should also pay more attention to your diet and the rhythm of your life, by and large. Partnerships take center stage on October 31 as a Halloween full moon beams brilliantly into your seventh house of relationships and dynamic duos. Week 1: October 1-11 Lay low until at least October 27, if not for the whole month. Watch for a critical streak this month with Venus in nitpicky Virgo and the other love planet, Mars, retrograde from September 9 until November 13 in Aries and your flaw-finding sixth house.

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