Região, segundo a classificação pela UNESCO. As Minas de Potosí localizam-se no cerro de Potosí, no Alto Peru, atual Departamento de Potosí, na Bolívia. Copyright © 2018 MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. Este texto é disponibilizado nos termos da licença. "Pool 4" is Bs. 154,700. Corrections? Indeed, the city was founded in 1545 as soon as the ore was discovered and pretty soon the silver extracted here was bankrolling the Spanish empire.

Beware travelling from Uyuni. We've pre-picked the best hotels, hostels and bed and breakfasts to make your stay as enjoyable as possible. You can talk, take photographs and share your gifts with the miners.

Empresa Ferroviaria Andina (FCA) runs a buscarril between Potosí and El Tejar near Sucre three times per week. All of this lead to a slow economic decline. Many of the mine props are snapped and on my tour in 2003 there was a minor ceiling cave-in that forced us to wait a bit before being able to exit the mine.

Taxis from main bus Terminal between 3-5bs depending on your bartering skills and the time of day. About Potosi, Bolivia and the Mine. Potosí est fondée en 1545 pour exploiter la mine proche. The price is around 100bs for koala tours. Typical Bolivian food stalls and stores selling drinks and bathing suits if you forget to bring one (Saunas are not German style).

Millions of indigenous labourers and African slaves perished in mines in the three centuries of colonial rule. Em razão das más condições de trabalho, muitos índios acabavam morrendo, por fome ou doenças, como pneumonia, acidentes, como soterramentos e quedas de grandes alturas.

50Bs. Conta a história que estes indígenas chegavam a passar de 4 a 6 meses trabalhando sem parar dentro das minas, comendo e dormindo lá dentro, sem ver a luz do sol. The ex-miners offer loads of information about the (history of the) mine. Information on bus schedules may be found at Bolivia Schedules. It is the county seat of Washington County. It also has a small pool. The conquistadors never found El Dorado, the legendary city of gold, but they did get their hands on Potosí and its Cerro Rico, a ‘Rich Hill’ full of silver. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). The city came into existence after the discovery of silver there in 1545 and quickly became famous for its wealth. Mortes por acidente, soterramento, fome ou doenças eram mais que comuns. As jazidas foram descobertas casualmente, em 1545, por um indígena chamado Hualpa ou Gualca. Os historiadores veem, nesta variante, uma deliberada influência dos espanhóis na lenda para legitimar seus trabalhos no local. Diz-se que as minas de prata foram descobertas casualmente em uma noite de 1545, por um pastor quíchua chamado Diego Huallpa, que se perdeu quando regressava com seu rebanho de lhamas.

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