Cat-eyed Fishing Snake 17. Red Tailed Green Rat Snake. As some of its common names indicate, the snake has a green body with a red tail, but is usually brown. It has smaller, smooth scales on its back, which is usually bright green or light green and may have a black net-like pattern. Physical Description: A very long and slender-bodied snake, red-tailed green ratsnakes are most commonly green, with black skin between scales that shows during threat displays. Philippine Red Tailed Brown Ratsnake ... Well this is a new found pet a very docile wild caught snake.

There are also naturally occurring “silver” and “orange” colored morphs from Java, Indonesia. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. The average life span of G. oxycephalum in captivity is 20 years.

Another fantastic capture! G. oxycephalum reaches sexually maturity at 4 years of age, and its eggs have a hatching time from 13 to 16 weeks. Gerarda prevostiana. Ptyas carinata. It catches them in mid-air while hanging amongst branches. The vivarium shouldn’t have much empty space, as snakes like to feel secure and … Ptyas luzonensis. Rat snakes like to nudge against a rough surface to help them shed their skin. Rhynchophis boulengeri. 3 comments: In captivity, it has quite the "attitude" and may strike at or bite an unwary handler. G. oxycephalumm is found in the following countries: The Type locality is Indonesia: Java (F. Boie, 1827). They were formerly classified, along with corn, black rat and similar North American species, in the genus Elaphe. Very bright in color, and also displayed it's hemipenis. In the pet trade, red-tailed, mandarin and bamboo rat snakes, along with Taiwan beauty snakes and similar species, are often collectively referred to as Asian or Old World ratsnakes. Description: Thick rat snake, that loves to puff up and become defensive. G. oxycephalum feeds almost exclusively on birds, bird eggs, lizards, and bats. On the sides of its black tongue there may be brown and blue colour. Posted by Exokeeper at 10:45 AM. The species is endemic to Southeast Asia. Nature School For Teachers - Fall 2020 Launch! A gray-colored morph with a yellow head exists in Panay, in the Philippines. The red-tailed green rat snake (Gonyosoma [Elaphe] oxycephala) is a thin-bodied, semi- arboreal species, which has an average adult length of 60 to 70 inches.There is not a notable sexual dimorphism in relation to size or color. The top of the head may be dark green, yellow-green, or yellow in colour. Red-tailed ratsnakes are placed within the family Colubridae. ... Red-tailed Green Ratsnake 3. Species ID Suggestions Sign in to suggest organism ID. The female lays on average between 3 and 8 eggs usually between September and January and the hatchlings are about 45 cm (18 inches) long. Despite the name, the tail can also be lavender or gray-blue. We have thousands of exotic reptiles for sale from top breeders from around the world. Thick rat snake, that loves to puff up and become defensive. I just fed her two adult mice and she gladly accepted both. Variety of habitats through out the Philippines.

When the snake is stressed, it may inflate a bag of air in its neck, making it appear larger in size. In captivity, it has quite the "attitude" and may strike at or bite an unwary handler. Some enrichment.

Variety of habitats through out the Philippines. Gonyosoma oxycephalum. "A taxonomic study of the ratsnakes VI. The red-tailed green ratsnake lives and spends its life in the trees and in cavities in trees. Rat Snakes for Sale in the United States. Keeled Rat Snake 3.

It seldom descends to the ground.

Please use the habitat section to describe the specific place ("habitat") where your spotting was located. It seldom descends to the ground. Its temperament can be unpredictable and may change from time to time but an individual may become tame through proper handling. Thanks, Spotted on Sep 30, 2015 Submitted on Sep 30, 2015, and 13 other people favorited this spotting. Rhino Rat Snake. Validation of the genera, This page was last edited on 5 January 2020, at 23:02. A global citizen science platform to discover, share and identify wildlife. Email This BlogThis! Gonyosoma oxycephalum, known commonly as the arboreal ratsnake, the red-tailed green ratsnake, and the red-tailed racer, is a species of snake in the family Colubridae. Try browsing the Other Colubrids Index if you're looking for something specific. 3 Comments Jenavieve Jones 4 years ago. Snakes of the Philippines; Print Snakes of the Philippines All 113; Taxonomy; ... Smooth-scaled Mountain Rat Snake 14. "Bemerkungen über Merrem's Versuch eines Systems der Amphibien, Erste Lieferung: Ophidier",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Dowling, Herndon G. (1958). It was first described by Friedrich Boie in 1827.[2]. This adds scientific value (location "data") to your spotting. For more information, check out How It Works. When the snake is stressed, it may inflate a bag of air in its neck, making it appear larger in size. Very bright in color, and also displayed it's hemipenis. This one was about 4 feet. The red-tailed green ratsnake lives and spends its life in the trees and in cavities in trees. Aesculapian Snake. Rat snakes love to climb, so branches and climbing vines are ideal. G. oxycephalum is a robust powerful snake, with wide smooth scales on its belly that are ideal for climbing trees and across branches. Gonyosoma oxycephalum, Kaeng Krachan National Park, Thailand. This one was about 4 feet. It also has a dark line horizontally across the eye.

In captivity, it can be trained to feed on rodents such as mice and rats. The female can reach a length of up to 2.4 m (almost 8 feet), while the male is generally a little bit smaller but brighter in coloration.

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