This suggests that the PDA is in fact a more intelligent AI than Siri or Alexa, preforming tasks that are broader than simply finding information; with the PDA, we can take pictures, assess the hostility and strengths/weaknesses of fauna, manage signals, all on top of the information aspect of Siri and Alexa. Uniknać. Podjęte kroki zaradcze: poddanie kwarantannie światów centralnych. This behaviour often causes scuba divers and researchers to approach the Mesmer, thinking her unaware of them. As the PDA is capable of assessing creatures and their hostility/potential for harm in scans of creatures within its database, we can presume that it uses the scan data to find aspects of creatures (sharp teeth, strong jaws, light sensitivity, etc.) Some speculate that it convinces the player to believe that they hear the PDA in an attempt convince them to move closer to it, however, this is not true.

These stalks surround its true toothless mouth. The guidelines serve both as a framework for the wiki and as a set of rules.

Behind its head, right above and below, are two smaller blueish fins. Like do you insta-die? This is used to create a shimmering, rippling effect. So, if Error 463 causes the PDA to act like what thoughts would be going on within the player's head if they were there in real life, what causes Error 463? Rozwój pandemii: Błąd sieci spowodował niepowodzenie rytynowej procedury kwarantanny. Po zeskanowaniu, istota może zostać zidentyfikowana jako zainfekowana lub nie przez informację na ekranie skanera, mówiącą "normalny" lub "zainfekowany".

Procedura leczenia: nieznana. Kharaa przejawia się w postaci jasnozielonych cyst, wraz z podobnie ubarwionymi żyłami rozprzestrzeniającymi się po całym gospodarzu.

New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Mogą już występować objawy grypopodobne i podrażnienie skóry.

Terminal dezaktywacji poinformuje go o tym, że jest zainfekowany i dlatego nie może go użyć, zmuszając gracza do śledzenia historii i znalezienia lekarstwa, aby opuścić planetę. I don't know since I'm not an engineer working for Alterra, but I'd hazard a guess that PDA scans are usually rather broad and more focused upon what you the player can actually see, whereas the Scanner tool focuses the scan into a smaller area (think like an X-ray but safer). Potwierdzone zgony: 143 miliardy istot. Another smaller pair of similar fins are usually present on her head, though their purpose is not known.

Łypacze są w stanie używać ujść obcych, aby zabrać małe ilości enzymu 42 z powrotem na powierzchnię, rozprzestrzeniając działanie enzymu na cały świat.

It is the only creature the player encounters that forces them into a "trap card" of sorts, rendering movement nigh-impossible and taking damage inevitable.

It can also be seen using this behavior in self-defense against other larger fauna, fauna of the same size, or even against its own kind. W tym momencie PDA ostrzeże gracza, że infekcja osiąga krytyczny etap, a skóra gracza pokrywa się świecącymi, zielonymi cystami. The player can have a hard time breaking free from the Mesmer when it is using its hypnosis, and can only break free if they swim far enough backwards, or look away. The Mesmer is an aggressive life form belonging to the Fauna category.

Upon scanning a Mesmer, the PDA's description becomes cut off by Error 463, causing the PDA to malfunction and it assesses that the Mesmer is trying to "share it's beauty" and that the player should "draw closer".

Zalecane postepowanie: Odkrycie: Po raz pierwszy odkryte podczas rutynowej ekspancji sieci na inne światy. Error 463 then, must be the override of this "thought" process via a spectroscopic "Captcha" that confuses the AI. Miej swoje ulubione fandomy zawsze pod ręką, a nigdy niczego nie przegapisz. We see this in game, where multiple Biters will form loose schools, but Blighters will rarely be seen in close proximity to each other. W oryginalnym scenariuszu fabularnym Kharaa była bakterią opracowaną przez Prekursorów. But that's just a theory. Mesmer (Subnautica) Family/Type: Mermaid Habitat: Deep underwater caves Disposition: Cunning, lustful, malicious, clingy Diet: Carnivorous, prefers seafood A tricky, elusive type of mermaid that was first documented on the planet 4546B, and changed into their current form upon exposure to Demonic Energy.

Given that the Scanner Tool is spectroscopic, meaning that it is based primarily upon observing both light and radiation, it is highly likely that the PDA's passive scanner does the same thing, causing it to be overwhelmed by the light the Mesmer produces during it's targeting of the player due to how the AI cannot comprehend the erratic light pattern. 2020-06-29T22:28:53Z Comment by stradustz.

Tl;Dr: The PDA is affected by the Mesmer because it houses a semi-conscious AI that is incapable of processing certain patterns of light, creating a "Captcha" known as Error 463 that causes the AI to become incapable of "thinking" in a useful or functional way, repeating instead what thoughts the Mesmer's hallucinations induce in its prey. Wygląda na to, że ta bakteria całkowicie opanowała Planetę 4546B. OSTRZEŻENIE: Może być zakaźny.

Gracz jest zarażony Kharaa, ale zdaje sobie z tego sprawę dopiero przy próbie wyłączenia Platformy egzekwowania kwarantanny. Zostałeś zainfekowany wcześniej nieznaną bakterią wodną.

When attacking, the Mesmer's head opens up, revealing its soft, slimy body, and four pink stalks topped with sharp teeth.

Niestety, po zniszczeniu bazy w Głębokiej Wielkiej rafie, Bart uciekł na Bezpieczne płycizny i zaczął notować objawy Kharaa na sobie. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Hmm...if a Mesmer mamono's hypnosis ability works from inside the Alien Containment an aquarium... Well, given that they're now significantly smarter than before, good luck capturing one...but most likely yes. Prawdopodobnie zostaną one zaostrzone, gdy bakteria zacznie działać. Pierwsza wersja Ryleya znajdującego u siebie infekcję. What this means is that the PDA suggesting us to move towards the Mesmer is not a trick of the Mesmer, rather, it is the PDA malfunctioning due to exposure to its patterns. Please download one of our supported browsers. This is almost exactly the same as what we hear the PDA saying during a "Mesmer trip", suggesting that the PDA is being affected by Error 463 during the trip.

If the Mesmer succeeds in attracting the player, it will attack by opening its body and thrusting its spiked tentacles towards the player, removing 35% of their health bar, then fleeing to avoid being struck. Please follow our guidelines when contributing or commenting. Zostało to później zmienione, aby dopasować do " Natural Selection 2".

It is not outside the realm of possibility that the Mesmers power might override the human consciousness in such a way that it glitches the datastream between human and PDA and the resulting error in the log entry.

swim closer :) 2020-06-08T23:08:42Z Comment by db Subnautica. Disposition: Cunning, lustful, malicious, clingy. How do I know that it's untrue?

It looks so friendly... Do not resist... Don't struggle... Go closer". Gracz może skanować zwierzęta, które zostały wcześniej zeskanowane, aby sprawdzić, czy są zainfekowane bakterią Kharaa. If a Mesmer mamono turned her attention to you and tried to hypnotise you through ordinary glass (transparent, no vision-inhibiting factors), you would most likely be hypnotised. "The mesmer swims using a number of wings which can be angled up and forwards on approaching its prey. Well, FreeWillyNilly, I'd advise you to check the rest of the Fan-made Monster Girl Profiles forum.

Small, carnivorous lifeform with a unique hunting mechanism that enables it to hypnotize its foes. Through an unknown means, the patterns of the Mesmer's "wings", when viewed directly have a hypnotising effect on most if not all lifeforms.

The mesmer swims using a number of wings which can be angled up and forwards on approaching its prey.

Well, based upon the PDA's scans, we can assume that it has at the very least a rudimentary AI, similar to that of Apple's Siri or Amazon's Alexa. A tricky, elusive type of mermaid that was first documented on the planet 4546B, and changed into their current form upon exposure to Demonic Energy. ̡̘͖̟͙̼͈͇̬̈͗͆̈́̽̒̌Í, omg i am actually getting hipnoed by this. To zdziesiątkowało ekosystemy planety, ponieważ większość żywych stworzeń zmarła z powodu immuno-represyjnego działania bakterii i degradacji genetycznej.

Also, as someone who has played the game, does its effect work even if they're in a tank? Chief among these would be a neural interface with his tools like the PDA and biometrics to monitor his health.

Pierwszą nazwą dla bakterii Kharaa było "Bakteria Carar ". Because of the PDA itself.

When u play for the first time make sure it is in hardcore for maximum horro of the unknown.

I wanna lore you, Also note about the blighter despite what the entry says, it’s rated twice as dangerous as the biter.

Etap 4: Całkowite wyłączenie funkcji życiowych. We hear this whenever we enter a new biome, with most PDA comments regarding the biome starting with "scans indicate" or "scans suggest". swim closer :) 2020-06-08T23:08:52Z Comment by stradustz. Okay, so they're mamono, they won't really hurt or maim you. Logically it would choose the PDA, because it's the only voice that you should be hearing on this planet. We can assume that the PDA has a rudimentary consciousness and can "think" to a small extent.

I am pretty sure the Mesmer chooses the most convincing and influential thing to hypnotise the player with and that's the PDA, because the player trusts it with his life, Though I don't think the Mesmer actually influences the PDA's AI.

Why would it pick a pda and not someone relevant to the protagonists life?? And I mean by "don't do anything" is that they are nothing compared to things like crabsquids and leviathens.

Skany wskazują, że ten zakażony organizm wszedł niedawno w kontakt z unikalnym enzymem, który przeciwdziałał najbardziej wyniszczającym objawom choroby. I think when the player looks at the PDA's Mesmer scan page, the hypnosis is still affecting him, and covers up the fact that the page says to share the Mesmer's beauty by tricking the player into thinking that the PDA has malfunctioned, using "error 463". Mesmers appear to be quite unemotional, not recognising or acknowledging human contact.

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