As their conversation subject change to how Black☆Star and Tsubaki fare in their assignments, Maka senses the passing of "Soul Responses" from the Santa Mario Novella Basilica, recognizing the likelihood of it being the Materazzi who are known to situate in the church as well as sensing the Soul Responses of a Meister and Weapon. Maka and the other arrived in Italy. Maka, dopo il divorzio dei genitori, è stata data in custodia proprio a lei e, rispetto a ciò che prova per il padre, Maka nutre un grande rispetto per la madre, volendone seguire le orme (infatti, all'inizio della storia, quando deve affrontare un corso di recupero poiché ha fatto divorare alla falce Soul l'anima di una gatta magica invece di quella di una strega perdendo l'opportunità di renderlo falce della morte, afferma di aver sempre voluto essere una grande maestra d'armi come la madre e di aver sbagliato tutto). She is interrupted, though, when Arachne's magical threads assault them, threatening to plunge them into insanity. Maka realizes the full meaning of Soul's words that they are not ready yet as they are losing the battle. Shinigami, with some persuasion, complies. I contenuti della comunità sono disponibili sotto la licenza. Soon, the Black Mass frees everyone from the Book of Eibon, and they all tumble out the book onto the scene of battle.

They even manage to transmit the Anti-Demon Wavelength to Arachne, forcing her to sever the network. Going back to the training, Soul tells Maka that he believes her father cares more about her safety than her ability. La battaglia è dura e persino il Sangue Nero fatica a sopportare i colpi dell'arma motosega. I suoi attacchi corpo a corpo sono molto forti. Maka then convinces Ragnarok and Crona into helping her. La battaglia contro Medusa e il risveglio di Ashura, La battaglia al Castello di Baba Yaga (nel manga), La battaglia al Castello di Baba Yaga (nell'anime), DWMA vs Esercito di Noah vs Esercito di Medusa, cfr. Surprised at Ragnarok being able to speak, she informs Crona of it being forbidden to over hunt souls and when Crona retorts her notion with their own belief that "she" said it was okay, Maka prepares to engage the Meister. Born as the daughter of Spirit Albarn, when he was only eighteen, and his partner, Maka Albarn grew up around her parents.Presumably, she maintained a healthy relationship with both of her parents, her father often reading her books to her during her youth, an activity in which would lead to her fond of books.

However, Maka leaves some food behind from the buffet for Soul. At this point, the man named Sou reveals himself to be Giriko and transforms into his Weapon form and partners with the Oldest Golem. Maka never had the ideal childhood, her dad Spirit Albarn constantly flirts with other women despite the fact he has a wife. You know, they say one in fifty million have. anime di Soul Eater - Episodio 51: "La parola d'ordine è coraggio! aka, Kid, Black☆Star, Ox, Kirikou, and Kim and their respective Weapons are the group of kids chosen for fighting to obtain Brew, a powerful Demon Tool, before Arachnophobia.

Her pigtails are fashioned using skull hairbands similar to Shinigami's mask. Maka now feels better and happily exclaims that she has a new purpose in mind; to show everyone the strength of courage and its ability to overcome the madness. Soul consumes Arachne's soul and, alongside the birth of a new Death Scythe, the elite unit Spartoi is formed. They decide to take advantage of it before it wears off and attacks Arachne. When Doctor Medusa comments on Soul's condition, she apologizes as she still blames herself. This newfound courage causes her abilities to evolve and now being faced with Majin Hunt, even at full strength, the Clown's abilities are no match.

The Death Scythe Tezca Tlipoca then enters and warns Medusa of the oncoming the DWMA forces. It's been stated by multiple people like her own father that many of her good qualities come from her mother and even possess a mindset in which once she starts, barely anything stops her. All Worlds Alliance Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community.

", cfr. Maka Albarn (マカ=アルバーン Maka Arubān ) è la protagonista del manga e anime Soul Eater e maestra d'armi di Soul Eater Evans. In Chapter 3, Maka, alongside her team, Gaius, Sully, Stahl and Panne, are seen walking around the large field somewhere in Ylisstol when they came across a group of Zealots and engaged in a battle with them. She adds, 'Right, Soul?' Maka is seen with Soul in the Death Room in their new Spartoi uniforms. Late at night, Maka is still contemplating on what to do regarding Crona. Surprisingly, she resembles Soul(without his hair styled with hair gel) a little which further implies that she has some feelings for him, and with her new male temperament, she immediately gets a nosebleed upon seeing the Succubus, much to Soul's annoyance.

Impedire la ricollocazione di papà? Dopo tali avvenimenti, sia Maka che Soul partecipano al Super Esame Scritto, che Maka supera con il massimo del punteggio. However, Crona still proves to be more powerful than her, countering her Witch Hunt with Screech Alpha. [17] The daughter of Death's weapon partner, Spirit Albarn, she was inspired to be scythe-meister much like mother after witnessing her father's cheating ways and partnered with the demon scythe, Soul Eater, to create a death's weapon more powerful than her father. Suo padre è Spirit Albarn, falce della morte della Shibusen e "amante" delle belle donne. Suddenly, the darkness begins to spread and attack the three. In her first duel with Crona, she not only lost but witnessed her weapon partner badly injured. È riluttante anche solo a dover uscire di casa in una giornata libera, preferendo stare a leggere un libro e, costringendo Soul a trascinarla fuori con la forza. anime di Soul Eater - Episodio 05: "La forma dell'anime: Arriva Franken Stein, il più forte maestro d'armi? When taking a shower with her female classmates, Liz invites her to lunch. Il suo scopo è quello di creare una Deathscyte tanto potente da poter declassare il padre ed avere, quindi, una specie di vendetta, per l'umiliazione subita da lei e dalla madre. Nei sotterranei Maka affronta con Soul nuovamente il maestro d'armi Crona. Coming to this realization, this drove a wedge between them. [64] Maka is a also surprisingly durable individual able to withstand Crona's Screech Alpha,[65] punishment from Free even after the later even slammed her with his Ice Shackle Bullet spell and overpowered her with his own martial arts and physical abilities as was still able to fight. They eventually bump into Mosquito, carrying Brew. In cambio, Medusa chiede e ottiene il permesso di capeggiare l'assalto al castello di Baba Yaga. Intenzionata a fermare le sue azioni, Maka si reca nell basilica con Soul e scoprono che tale maestro si chiama Crona e maneggia la spada demoniaca Ragnarok, che ha reso il sangue del suo maestro nero. Despite Maka's attempts, all her attacks seem to just flow through Arachne, due to her formless state. Attiva tale modalità per la prima volta nello scontro con Crona quando Soul e Maka eseguono l'Eco dell'Anima, Soul su richiesta di Maka attiva il sangue nero, rendendo Maka folle e immune agli attacchi di Crona, solo per poter avvicinare il suo avversario e percepire meglio la sua anima.

Where Soul seems to be the brawn, Maka is the brain. [13] Maka fends off her attackers [14] until the Traitors eventually collapse and fall asleep after Shaula's demise.

Maka is immediately attacked by Medusa. Maka ends up being electrocuted by Ox's Lightning King along with Black☆Star and then watches the angered Black☆Star challenge and defeat Ox for his actions. After passing by her own soul and her partner's soul, she sees Crona's soul. Maka then attends the ceremony announcing Kid's replacement as the Shinigami in place of Death. After seeing Crona gain the upper hand in their fight, Maka overhears Soul and Little Ogre and meets with Soul in the Black Room.

As Maka closes her eyes, she hears Soul curse to himself about being too weak to fight for Maka like Justin and Giriko, and gives him a concerned look. Maka pays a visit to Medusa in order to get a blood test, concerned of her condition after coughing up Black Blood in her battle with Free. When recovering in the hospital after being paralyzed by Arachne's spider web, Maka wore striped pajamas—and had a small mustache and Black☆Star's signature drawn onto her face with permanent marker by the ninja. Maka was partnered with Soul Evans, nicknamed Soul Eater, a laid-back and nonchalant Demon Weapon capable of turning into a scythe. Later, Maka complains that since she was the one who made Soul a Death Scythe, she should be getting some request letters too.

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