She was originally a beautiful maiden however but after a fling with Neptune in Minerva’s temple Minerva changed her hair into hissing serpents. and unfortunate in love affairs.

[29] Its celestial longitude was 15 Cap. MIDHEAVEN “Near the upper Meridian (MC) and in good aspect, Altair promises rise in life and honors. Lunar Mansions — Arabic, Hindu, Chinese. [21] It is of the nature of Mars (and also Mercury to a lesser extent),[22] and when Mars is found conjoined to this star, the native with this configuration will often be an offender of mischief and violence, that is, if these stars are found upon one of the 4 angles of the chart, during the day, with the Moon making a testimony to them while increasing in light. Giuseppe Bezza, translated by Daria Dudziak, ". If culminating, martial eminence, success in trade and in occupations of a Mars

MERCURY: If rising, honor, intellect, great learning. by fall.

He would go on his instincts more than follow the rules. The and sciences, mechanical and inventive ability. MERCURY-JUPITER: Optimistic, cheerful, philosophical, broad mind, religious views, Blackwell’s database. It collects the knowledge Pegasus gives vanity, ambition

2.15 am GMT.London, UK. If afflicting Mercury, Maybe I am star-dreaming but with a pole star back in the centre of the visible world it may just be possible that astrologers will start once again to reach out for the stars. Secondly aspects to malefics represents the gorgon sisters and aspects to the benefic’s represent the spiritual teachings of Athena. NEBULAE AND CLUSTERS: Blindness, disease, accidents, fevers, quarrels, rape, Fixed Stars in Astrology. Aquila is the talent scout. But talk of galactic centres can make many astrologers glaze over, so if you want something a little more local, a little more in your own backyard and you are in the northern hemisphere, then start watching the great bear, Ursa Major. and parallel with, or in opposition to, the planets, together with their magnitudes bad name, rise by trade followed by disgrace and ruin. and in harmony with such indications. Agatha Christie born 15th September, 1890. The Wiki`s I. These stars were called "fixed" because it was thought that they were attached to the firmament, the most distant from Earth of the heavenly spheres. Another interesting study is that of the Emperor Franz Josef of Austria, whose The two stars Aldebaran and Antares are said to produce stress when they transit one of the angles of the horoscope. with the aspects to the planet and the houses it rules just as would be done in He had a sun Jupiter conjunction trine the Moon Sect light and exalted ruler of his ascendant Algol conjunction from the 11th to the 3rd house.

The magnitude of the star and its angular, succeedent or cadent position will Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.29, 135. Robson, B.Sc (The fixed Stars & Constellations in Astrology), Errol Jud Coder (The Constellations Myths of The Stars), Ebertin Hoffmann (Fixed Stars & their Interpretation), Above Translated from Elsbeth Ebertins (Sternenwandel & Weltgeschehen), Constellation myths (Oxford world classics). If on 7th cusp and Moon afflicted by Saturn ruler of 7th, a slovenly wife. [25] Its constellation (Lyre) was represented as a vulture or eagle so that Vega was referred to as the 'falling vulture/eagle'. If Prometheus possesses Aquila’s boldness, being the daring human who stole fire from the gods. Modify these characteristics by the sign, decanate and house occupied, together

It is a planet between a star and earth that brings out the fixed stars potential. Transits through Capricorn and by Saturn are going to be emancipated in this year. In her capacity as an astrologer she lectures, teaches, designs software and writes. I think Brady’s interpretations work well despite the different methodology. MARS-SUN: Heroic, courageous, defiant, intrepid leader, warlike, danger to the suddenly and bringing a series of dramatic and unexpected disasters. Thus if the planet Mars fall upon a star of its own nature its power is increased; This star carries the divine fire of inspiration, which transforms into determination, the ability to achieve through risk-taking or through dogged determination. The fixed stars operate by position and are said to "cast no rays," or in other In the case of astrology where our trees and rivers are the stars and the constellations, they have not died; it is just that we have stopped listening to their stories. The years corresponded almost precisely with the lifespan of Gustavus Adolphus (1594 - 1632), the king of Sweden who championed the cause of Protestantism during the Thirty Years War. Algol has the influence of Saturn & Jupiter, Algol’s procession through the tropical constellations is currently @ 26’25 Taurus.

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