The good news is, after giving birth, my painful periods went away! (WHAT?) Good luck and hope you get it sorted soon. It did not feel like a period pain. I’ve had the intense pain in the left ovary area off an on almost daily, pain shooting down my leg often, and excruciating back pain constantly. The pain is simply too much to handle anymore. I just found this forum by accident and thought I would take a moment to share. Just an update. I was on a mission to find a new doctor, did so and was sent for a ton of blood work and to a bioidentical hormone pharmacist, he explained the endo is due to too much estrogen in the body, which is why birth control pills are not the answer. Hi (thanks for the info!). Enter your password. I was finally diagnosed in my early 20s after having surgery for a ruptured cyst, an appendectomy, and a diagnosis by laporoscopy- I was at a stage 2. I did have an ultrasound scan which turned up nothing, and it was my laparoscopy (keyhole surgery) that eventually found my endo. The latent phase of labor comes before the active labor stage.

Hello im Kisha ive had endo since i was 13 im now 28 still in pain confused just feel llike its taken overr i ve had two of the luprion shot and im so scared to get the last one plz give some insit on the shot. Endo pain is different for everyone, and so is labor pain. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. I don’t feel alone and have hope to get aa solid diagnostic in the near future. lol I had my last surgery & drug treatment in 2005 when I said enough is enough I was sick of constantly being poked & prodded,endless scans doctors appointments etc & suffering horrible side effects from all the hormone drugs – the funny thing is once I said no more things began to settle somewhat on their own,I was very fortunate to have my 2 children very young so fertility has not been an issue for me & I still get horrendous periods every month where I just have to accept that I need to take very strong pain killers to cope, but I have to say that I feel much better in myself since I stopped treatment & have actually had months at a time where it seems to go in remission by itself – I only hope now that I will be one of the lucky ones & have an early menopause,that would make me very happy, Alo)(a Shelly!

I feel like I’m ruining my family’s life and feel I am the crabbiest and most annoying person to be around. Chronic pelvic pain. Hi Brittany, it’s really hard to say with the details that are provided. Hi Jacqui, I’d highly recommend that you find a really good consultant if you haven’t already. I've heard that a woman's uterine contractions during periods can come much faster & closer together than those during labor in extreme instances, which says a lot. My leg issues were mostly sorted by surgery, but I keep the worst of the leg pain with very gentle exercise – something I can only do because treatments in my case have been so effective. the pain waxes and wanes. Información sobre tu dispositivo y conexión a Internet, incluida tu dirección IP, Actividad de navegación y búsqueda al utilizar sitios web y aplicaciones de Verizon Media. I know I’m lactose in tolerant so I stay away from dairy.)

Labor pain was very different. Welcome! Since people commenting on here are actually diagnosed with it, I want to know if that could be it, I did lots of research, which is how I found out about this blog.

The earlier you do this and get someone to take you seriously, the quicker you can start on a diagnosis and treatment.

I stumbled onto this site while doing a little research and feel a breath of fresh air while reading.

But there’s no way missing out your everyday life is normal! Leg pain.

You DO have rights & choices available to you. i feel alot of pressure on the left lower abdominal area.

The person effected by endometriosis often has to hold herself in such a way to try and escape the worst effects of the pain, causing back pain in addition. I can’t get my family to understand how much it really does hurt, even though I look fine on the outside, I’m crying on the inside. I am currently scheduled for my 4th surgery 5 weeks from now; DaVinci robotic endo resection, during which the adhesions will be “cut” out. All rights reserved. If I don’t feel better by the end of August, then I might have to go, because I have college starting next month and there’s no way I’d be able to focus and sit for 2 hours (I have 3 classes a day, sometimes 2). The period that I had for over a month, wasn’t regular bleeding, it was a bit more than spotting, but not much. Apparently I’ve had it since 2002 when I went in for an ovarian cyst removal and my dr. apparently found no reason to say anything to me. This sort of pain feels like a sort of writhing or cramping below the stomach and towards the groin. Today, I am 31 years old and still struggling with my disease. , Perhaps 5 years prior to learning about endometrosis I should’ve done more research. About 4 or 5 years ago, I had irregular periods for the first time in my life. the last time I was cleaned out was 2years ago but am now experiencing extreme pain on my remaining ovary and extremely sore breasts. Mine were pitocin induced though so it may have been worse, idk but they were definitely not what I expected! Do seek us out. My endo pain began when I was 11 yrs old. I don’t need to add to that as the endo already makes me nauseous and at times dizzy (I have fainted multiple times in the shower – if you want to freak the shit out of your partner it’s a definite winner!). First round of the shot was 9 shots and I just finished my second round for 12 shots.

I’m just chancing my arm here as its 3 years later. Yes, it does hurt.

Yesterday and today it hurt to sit and lie down, but when I’m walking, I don’t feel any pain except some back pain. Now since 8 th day I... View answer, I suffer from endometriosis, it is so serve now that my feet are swollen, im bloated, and having serve the point my hip bones hurt, my feet feel electric shock in them and my leg muscles... View answer, i have been trying to have a baby with my husband. I have had 2 deep D&C’s, tried the pill and had a marina coil, (coil had since been removed), I feel desperate a this juncture, I am exhausted from being in pain most every day. And what should I do? With the back pain in toe.. Lurking inside my pelvis, only now, attached to my intestines.

Hi Sam, I can’t give medical advice. So best port of call if you’re concerned is your medical professional.

I just want some opinions from people who have it. i’m working getting my gyn paid up so i can see her about this, whatever it may be. Im not sure why but, come night time my stomach muscles just under my ribs would get really tense, i have the dull aches, stabbing pains ect. I found a great dr who has helped with bioidentical hormone replacement, I have thyroid issues also.

I told my parents it felt like I had been “stabbed or shot in the stomach”, but when I mentioned going to the hospital my mom said, “I’m not taking you to a doctor, you’re probably just having cramps!” (considering this was a day after my cycle that was a pretty logical conclusion to come to) The pain started around 9:00pm and persisted throughout the night. I had to take some sick time and take narcotic analgesia to deal with the pain. Create a free website or blog at

the pain went away for a while but returned gradually worse than ever. I would highly recommend her to anyone!! My doctor said he had never seen the side effects that I experienced=( On top of that, as I look back on those months I was a totally different person, not myself almost crazy feeling, cant describe it but not a [lace I want to go back too.

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