It’s been a while. Crickets float for awhile and will be easy for the fr4ogs to grab.

Came with the set up. At the same time the white area was expanding, she started losing her foot. Earthworms are easily available, as should guppies. My observations in NYC habitats lead me to believe that the American Bullfrog is a major predator there. Afterwards it would pause for a few minutes, as if trying to swallow a meal that never made it, before resuming hunting. But they finished resorbing their tails at roughly the same time. Heat can exacerbate existing health problems and renders infection (red leg, tiny cuts) more likely. Would be interesting if you could document them over-wintering in the pond…success would likely depend on the amount of oxygen in the water. Yes, avoid wild-caught houseflies (more for your health than theirs!) But today it is perfectly fine and eating. Frogs often adjust to tong-feeding; you may want to try and see if this might work and allow you to leave them in their aquarium during feeding. My work puts me in contact with thousands of hobbyists keeping an array of pets. In some situations, all leave, while in others some go and some stay. thanks again, enjoy and please keep me posted, Best, Frank, Sorry I got cut off-too much writing maybe! BTW I fed the small frog again today but have not seen Big Mama all day. Should I push them into the water? 0 In recent years, deformed Green Frogs have been found in ever-increasing numbers. The students line the frogs across the log and count to see how many fit! I have looked at many sites and get as many different views. The worms are tiny, about an eighth to a quarter inch long. We have a big pond in our back yard (1 acre) in southeast Michigan and have had a lot of fun rescuing baby turtles from the “mean fish” as my 5-year old calls them and getting them big enough to safely release the following spring. The Season Has Changed, Should Your Reptile Bulbs? At this point, I can identify distinct “personalities” within the five. they definitely recall and ;learn from experience – easy to see if you approach a wild one! 0000155211 00000 n Thanks for your response Frank. x�b``�d``Y����tf6� ��X8^p``P*^8�eM���(�kE�E����̙76�:Γ��q�U/�v���>����^G�. Thanks for the most interesting update. Do green frogs shed their skin? I came up with this idea using the same concept as Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

I will definitely look into your suggestions. Thought it would be nice to give him a bigger home. I baffled the flow of the filter, added a live plant and moss. Hi Frank, I’m not saying this is definite proof, as there are variables that are not considered, but there certainly is a documented connection between appetite and comfort level, one that’s not exclusive to frogs. 0000002286 00000 n They croak at me when I’m cleaning the filter or tending the plants, and hop out of the pond at me looking for food.

Moss/plants are just a good idea in general, in order to add oxygen, utilize wastes…not necessary per se and will not likely affect recovery. Hi Phebe,

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