Morales was the first president who came from Bolivia’s large indigenous minority and one of the first not to represent Bolivia’s tiny elite. While Morales is of Aymara descent—Bolivia’s second-largest indigenous group—these were popular-indigenous mobilizations. They also do not mention that in South America, Bolivia has the greatest number of trees per inhabitant. His presidency, which has brought an era of relative social peace and economic growth, has been the longest in Bolivia’s history.

The country, after a national discussion initiated by Bolivia’s five main indigenous campesino organizations, adopted a new constitution.

Morales, a one-time coca farmer, and the… Italy is one of the only countries with a law to provide for those orphaned by femicide—and it could serve as a model for the rest of Europe. Far from following their advice, he declared independence from these engines of debt, austerity and structural adjustment and refused a new loan agreement.
Nick Dearden is director of Global Justice Now. Besides expelling the US ambassador and USAID for their roles in coup plotting, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) was expelled in 2009 for its actions against social organizations and for interfering with the actual struggle against narco-trafficking. The end of displaced consumption is the beginning of holism. It has not moved beyond anti-neoliberalism policies, that have brought great benefits to the people, in a more anti-capitalist direction.

Not even once is mentioned that the plurinational people of bolivia voted overwhelmly against Re-election of the self anointed one that says the people needs him…… And yes, Bolivia has grown, but the money is directed only to the governments interests and to the few people that belong to the cleptocracy; the new cholorich! The DEA’s military base was transformed into the Cochabamba airport and renamed Soberania [Sovereignty]. In fact, he says it’s downright dangerous: “This is how civil war begins.”. That hope doesn’t start with governments, but with the strength and independence of the movement – which is what gave power to the ‘pink tide’ in the first place. 52-54, [xiv] Drug seizures have almost tripled under Evo,  Informe Presidencial, 22 de enero 2017 p. 12. But after 12 years in office, and judicial plays to … A large number of these are former miners, laid off en masse as casualties of fiscal austerity measures and economic restructuring in Bolivia instituted in 1985, which downsized the national mining company. They began to insist that coca was more than just a cash crop—it was their cultural patrimony. His legacy will be the transformation of Bolivian society through the enfranchisement of the country’s indigenous population.
Like Correa in Ecuador, once he’s out U see what a mess he left behind! So let’s hand over all the country’s resources to your Wall Street chums and hey presto!

A smear campaign against him took place, including false stories of his corruption, nepotism, and fathering a child with a lover, which led to him losing the vote. Perhaps the most important of Morales’s accomplishments was his success leading an often contentious effort to rewrite the nation’s constitution, completed in 2009. The resignation of Bolivian president Evo Morales brings to an end an incredible era in Bolivia’s history. Evo has said that “the retreat of the left in Latin America is due to the incapacity of progressive governments to face a media war and the lack of political training of the youth”.

These conflicts all shared several characteristics: a perception among ordinary Bolivians that their country’s sovereignty was being violated by transnational corporate interests with whom their government was complicit; large-scale mass mobilization against the privatization of these nonrenewable national resources; grassroots critiques of neoliberalism as a national policy framework; the effective building of a coalition of urban working classes, professionals, students, and indigenous groups—brought together in highly visible protest actions and calls for the more direct exercise of democracy in Bolivia. Failure to do so will not help us to build something better and stronger. The rest of bolivia is still sitting in small cabins in the streets of La Paz, a few blocks from the big “Casa de pueblo” and surviving thanks to coca cola and biscuits that they sell! 120-121, [xiii] Linda C.  Farthing, Benjamin H. Kohl Evo’s Bolivia: Continuity and Change, Austin, University of Texas Press (2014) pp. [iv]. This ended the apartheid system against the indigenous that existed for 500 years in Bolivia. For 2013, the combined NED and USAID allocations for Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia totalled over $60 million, with the bulk of these funds destined to Cuba and Ecuador. Mexico granted asylum to Morales, who resigned on Nov. 10 under mounting pressure from the military and the public after his re-election victory triggered weeks of … Former Bolivian President Evo Morales speaks upon his arrival in Mexico City, Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2019.

Today, foreign corporations still extract most of Bolivia’s natural gas, but do so as contractors hired by the state, on the state’s terms. Morales can be credited with moving Bolivia’s indigenous majority much more to the center of the country’s public and political life. Once they do, the era of America is over…. Even the World Bank has recognized the country as world champion in income growth for the poorest 40% of its population. Bolivia has cut income inequality by two-thirds, with the share of income of the top 10% vis-à-vis the poorest 10% has dropped from 128 to 1 in 2005 to 37 to 1 in 2016. Shame the Guardian didn’t carry this instead of more prop about Venezuela. Morales saw that these corporate courts would be a major threat to his plans to control the hydrocarbon multinationals and use the wealth to benefit his people.

In 2015 all gas and oil revenues yielded $4 billion, making up nearly half of Bolivia’s export earnings. In just under 15 years in power, he achieved far more than most countries manage, precisely because he saw the necessity of breaking with the neoliberal institutions and building a different form of integration with his fellow ‘pink tide’ presidents in Latin America. When Morales rejected these “orders,” including naming government ministers and military leaders without seeking prior US embassy consent, Washington began financing Bolivian opposition groups seeking to overthrow the indigenous government. Evo Morales even revealed transcripts of phone calls between the anti-highway march organizers and U.S. embassy officials, including calls right before the march set out. At the same time, growing numbers of upwardly mobile city dwellers of indigenous descent, while appreciative of Morales’s efforts, over time grew disgruntled with his administration’s perceived exclusive focus on indigenous questions rather than economic opportunities for all, and with his disinclination to leave office. This oppression prevailed until remarkably recently. [v] From 2006-2010 over 35 million hectares of land (1/3rd of Bolivia), was handed over to Original Peoples’ peasant communities to be run communally. Yes, they deserve much better…..maybe your mates in the big oil companies and the Wall Street crew can come in and helpfully sort everything out with the help of a few generals and those nice NGOs like they have all over Latin America for the past 150 years. Where to look for hope? A popular theory around Evo Morales’s removal is completely mistaken. I sincerely hope we’ll soon see Ortega, Maduro and Evo gone!

Writing of the recent election, he says that the claim that’s what’s happening in Bolivia is simply a ‘coup’ or a story of ‘empire vs radical government’ is far too simplistic, and doesn’t help those who really want to build a different sort of society. Vice-President Alvaro Garcia Linera also pointed out that progressive governments have failed to promote a kind of cultural revolution alongside the political revolution; social programs have successfully lifted many out of poverty, creating a new middle class with new consumerist attitudes, without promoting a corresponding new value system; progressive governments must do more to tackle the entrenched corruption of the neoliberal years; the question of the continuity of leadership remains a challenge; and Latin American economic integration remains a weakness despite considerable advances in political regional integration.

Despite these achievements, the Morales’ government did make real mistakes – and the mistakes got worse as time went by.

Bolivia’s national government was suddenly made up of indigenous activists and intellectuals who often publicly framed major policy issues in indigenous terms, presented themselves as representing the country’s indigenous and indigenous-descended populations, but also nonindigenous citizens, and frequently used indigenous languages and concepts in their public appearances. He attacks the Western “colonial, elitist environmental NGOs” for imposing their environmental demands on the Third World, saying they are blind to the Third World’s right to development.

Soon these eastern regions, the Media Luna, were in open rebellion, demanding a referendum on autonomy. Evo Morales’s successor faces an unenviable set of challenges to stabilize the country. The crisis has been coming for a long time, and it could have been avoided with different policies. Evo Morales’ achievements in Bolivia should be remembered forever – but the left must also learn from his mistakes. Once the Media Luna separatist plan collapsed,[x] USAID switched to courting indigenous communities by using environmental NGOs.

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