If your hall is an integral part of the church building then the PRS Church Licence will cover the entire building including the hall unless more than six concerts/recitals per year are held in the church premises.

The Church Video Licence provides the legal permission required to show videos from the 1,300 authorised studios/producers provided they have been uploaded by an authorised source. What is Public Domain (PD) and when does a song become Public Domain?

For instance, a church that duplicates sheet music or records DVDs of the performance of a song will probably require a license. The video you wish to show must have been uploaded by an authorised source (for example, it is available from an official channel). The contact details for numerous music publishers, whom you may wish to contact directly, can be found on the Authorised Administrator List. “I need a performance license to play secular music in service.” Due to the religious service exemption, churches do not need a performance license to play or perform secular music in worship services. Please contact our Intellectual Property Department for details. Where can I find the latest list of song owners and/or publishers covered by my CCLI licence? Rather, under Title 17 of the United States Code, section 110, churches and other houses of worship can be exempt from copyright infringement for the public performance of  a copyrighted work. We record our sermons for our web-site.

Can it be placed on the notice board outside of the church?

The first is economic, giving the owner the right to charge any person who wishes to copy, perform or record their work for any commercial or non-commercial use.

Click History, choose the song you wish to view, then click the arrow to the left of the song’s title to see a list of previous reports of that song. If your hall is a separate building, whether or not it is within the curtilage of the church, then the hall can only be covered by CCLI if activities where music is played are run predominately by and for the church congregation. The second is a moral right, protecting the work from any use or arrangement that is contrary to the wishes of the copyright owner.

Can we include copied/scanned pages in our church magazine? You would also need a PRS for Music Church Licence if showing a film or film scene outside of your regular worship services (Acts of Worship), but not if you only use film scenes during your regular worship services. You’ll require both the PRS for Music and PPL Church Licences to play hold music on a phone system. A Church Video Licence (CVL) is required to show authorised films/film scenes in any context within church. Can we show YouTube clips within our church services and activities? recording, podcasting and live-streaming church services.

Reporting for the Church Copyright Licence would be required If these copies are subsequently reproduced e.g. If you are hosting the stream or webcast on your church website you will also require a PRS for Music Limited Online Music Licence (LOML). For more information contact CCLI. Some software packages incorporate a feature which links to your SongSelect® account. Although anyone can set up a free account and explore the free features of SongSelect, your church must hold an existing Church Copyright Licence (CCL)  to purchase any subscription level version of SongSelect®. Does a church licence cover a church hall too for church social functions? Neither licence is required for any use of music within an Act of Worship, for example, a Sunday worship service, where no entry charge is made. As an individual, you can set up a free SongSelect account at any time. a repeat of the main service rather than a different style of service) then you would add the two averages together to work out your size category.

You may require licences from PRS for Music and/or PPL  for this purpose.

If we hold a concert at our church under our PRS for Music Church Licence can we charge for tickets? A streaming license covers ONLY the materials in the company’s catalog. Is this covered by our Church Video licence? Do I have these rights regardless of what FORM the display takes?

How can additional users be added on our church's SongSelect® account?

If you still can’t find it, it could mean a couple different things. Yes, the PRS for Music Church Licence allows you to charge for entry. Have an intellectual property law, business law, or other legal problem? Depends. Does My Church Need a Copyright License for Music? Yes, the Church Copyright Licence covers this activity.

Because a separate copyright exists in typography, to photocopy from an authorised music-publication or sheet music document you must have the Music Reproduction Licence (MRL)/Collective Worship Music Reproduction Licence (CWMRL) which is an optional add-on to the CCL/CWCL. You may copy pages which include images from many non-music publications if you hold a CLA Church Licence.

The song information may not yet be submitted to CCLI by the publisher, or it may mean that you have reproduced an unauthorised song. © 2020 Christian Copyright Licensing International. To live-stream, or webcast services which include live worship music via your website, or a video-sharing site such as YouTube or Facebook Live, you will usually need a CCLI Streaming Licence. However, when a song is registered with CCLI it is most commonly done under the song’s official title which is often different to the first line. However, if you do find yourself in a situation where you’re behind, you can report retrospectively to catch up.

The original copy must have been purchased by the church or a church member. Yes.

NIV or ESV) are usually protected by copyright meaning permission is required to reproduce their text in any form. There is also a limit on how many recorded copies can be made per service, which is 15% of a church’s license size. Under the terms of the PRS for Music and PPL Church Licences, does the licence holder have to own the CD being played? This occasionally causes confusion for the reporter. For instance, a church that duplicates sheet music or records DVDs of the performance of a song will probably require a license. The Reporting website features all songs authorised under the Church Copyright Licence (CCL). Translations of the Bible (e.g. A good example of this would be a search for Graham Kendrick’s From Heaven You Came Helpless Babe which will return The Servant King as the first (and correct) result. Under the words of each song reproduced you are required to include the following: “[author], © [year, owner], [your licence number]” e.g. How much does it cost to register songs with CCLI? Can I record when commercial sound recordings are being played? With regard to recorded music being played in the hall, the church’s PPL Church Licence would cover non-commercial third party hirers. [ ]. Instead, we provide a list of Authorised Studios/Producers. We suggest that you refer to the title page of the Bible you wish to use, which would provide information on copyright. Are we covered under our licences for putting music on the church phone system when people are on hold? No CCLI reporting is required for PD songs.

If you are only showing film scenes during your regular worship services, and not during any other church activities, you will not require the PRS for Music licence in addition to the CVL. In common with other media, you require permission to show YouTube videos in public. Please contact CCLI to discuss your particular licence requirements. Can we play CDs/MP3s during our children's and youth work? How do I go about copyrighting them? The number of copies permitted under the terms of the Church Copyright Licence (CCL)/Collective Worship Copyright Licence (CWCL), Music Reproduction Licence (MRL)/Collective Worship Music Reproduction Licence (CWMRL) and Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) Church Licence is restricted to your category size registered with CCLI.

You may charge for the CDs and DVDs to defray expenses incurred. Yes. Churches do not need to report when they have downloaded lyrics or printed chord/lead/vocal sheets from SongSelect®, as this is recorded automatically by SongSelect. How does CCLI define a 'church' for licensing purposes? However upon renewal any downloads left over would be lost. It is important to understand that this exemption covers only your congregational worship service in your church. If in doubt we suggest you contact the publisher of that translation. All items copied must be attributed to the original author, artist, etc. Once you’ve set up your account, you’ll have the option to ‘invite’ members of your church worship/PA/projection team to join your account, who will then become Users.

Provided your church holds a Church Video Licence (CVL) and a PRS for Music Church Licence you can show films authorised under the CVL in church activities using an legal streaming service. Is there a limit to how many sheets we can copy under our licences? Can we use DropBox or similar file-sharing websites to distribute music copies to our musicians? If your congregation used a hymnal and everyone has a copy and that's all you use for music, you do not need CCLI.

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