The mucous membranes are dry, especially those of the mouth and stomach, deficient secretion. in oneself. Giddiness, with sensation of looseness in the brain when stooping, and when raising up the head. Toothache. White, turbid urine. Cough, with yellowish expectoration. Charitable Solicitations Registration (morning diarrhoea), Ran.

Clinical. Wounds. Its roots, purgative and toxic, which can cause nausea and vomits if ingested, were carved and moulded into human shape by ludicrous merchants, and so it acquired quite an undeserved vulgar reputation. Other constituents are an essential oil, an amorphous, bitter, glucosidic product which yields a brown resin and a sugar on hydrolysis, a crystalline neutral substance, and an enzyme which slowly hydrolyses the glucosidic constituent, and also effects the hydrolysis of amygdalin and salicin. Constant trembling of the arms, and of the fingers.

On coughing, pain, as of excoriation, in the pit of the stomach. Dry, burning heat, mostly internal, as if the blood were burning in the veins. Great desire for wine, for acid drinks, for coffee, and even for things which are not eaten.
Vomiting of food, with hiccough and retching, or vomiting of bitter water, or of bile, even at night.

Deep, slow breathing. Relations. Constipation. Nocturnal diarrhoea, with burning pain in the anus. Abnormal hunger, he must often eat something. They have a thin yellowish-grey cork, and a whitish wood, marked with concentric rings, and radially arranged vessels. Red, shining swelling of some parts of the body, with shooting during movement. Lips swollen and cracked, with bleeding, and sensation of burning on being touched.

Irritability of mind and tissues runs through the remedy. Putrid ulcers on the lower extremities. Burning pains in the fundus uteri, during pregnancy, increased by movement, diminished by pressure and repose. Pressure in the pharynx, as from a hard and pointed body. Catamenia premature. ), and it corresponds to the effects of anger, fright chagrin. Frequent emission of aqueous urine. Spina bifida.

Sore throat, with hoarseness and difficult deglutition      Pain, as of excoriation in the throat, during empty deglutition. Insipidity of food. Whooping-cough. Constant occasion to make a deep inspiration. (Plat. that case is connected with love. Universal dry heat, external and internal, almost always with a strong desire for cold drinks. Feces too large, with difficult evacuation. It is usually simple, but sometimes branches into two. in pulmonary complaints. Pain, with shivering and cold in the body. Staggering and yielding of the knees, while walking. Disposition to catch cold, inflammation of the inner parts.

Pains in the liver, mostly shooting, tensive, or burning, especially on being touched, on breathing, or on coughing. Chilliness predominates. SubstituteMars/Uranus Herb, © 2004, 2014 Harold A. Roth; Headache following checked coryza. Eruptions. Respiratory Organs. Skin. Sleep disturbed by thirst, with better taste in the mouth on waking.

Cough, as if from irritation of the stomach. Painful stiffness of the knees, with stitches, especially when moving them. Nausea, with inclination to vomit and anxiety, when sitting, or on forcing one’s self to drink. Pressure on the eyes, as if from sand, especially morning and evening      Stitches in the eyes. Swelling of the nose, with painful sensibility to the touch, and obstruction of the nose. Puls. Scarlatina.

Vertigo only when stooping. An intensely bitter amorphous alkaloid and a dark brown resin, both of which are purgative; an alcohol, bryonol, and various fatty acids.
Cretan bryony (Bryonia cretica) has a thick fleshy white root, large lobed leaves, pale yellow flowers arranged in clusters in the leaf axils, and small red fruits. Nocturnal agglutination of the eyelids, with lachrymation during the day, especially in the sun, and with confused sight. Red spots on the sides of the neck. Acute, tractive pains in the limbs, during the catamenia. Confusion, giddiness, and cloudiness of the head.

is irritability. Dropsical swelling of the abdomen. of the prickly hairs on its stems and leaves, typical of cucumber-related Contractive pain in the chest, excited by the cold air. ward Confusion of the letters when reading. The slices vary in size, averaging about 5 centimetres in diameter. Lips dry. Characteristics. Want of strength in the limbs on walking, after having been seated. Dragging, with pressure, on the periosteum. The kidneys also are inflamed, the urine being dark red without deposit (from excess of coloring matter). Suppressed eruptions, bad effects of.

A good deal of protection and offerings is advised. to gourmands), Op., Pet., Phos., Pod., Puls. Anger, effects of. Cutting in the urethra, or sensation of constriction while urinating. Appetite. Tenacious mucus in the throat, which is not detached without effort.

The common bryony, Bryonia dioica, Jaequin (N.O. drinks often and little, and eats seldom but much), Asc-t. (pleurisy), Bell. Pressure on the chest, as if from a weight, with oppression. Swelling of the face, sometimes on one side only, or under the eyes and at the root of the nose. better lying on painful side, Bell. Cough in the morning, with water-brash. Black Bryony is a popular remedy for removing discoloration caused by bruises and black eyes, etc. General uneasiness, sensation of squeezing, with shiverings, caused by the pressure of the clothing. Suppressed eruptions and discharges. Inflammation of the stomach. Stiff-neck. Greasy sweat, day and night. Stye on the eyelid. Oily, greasy, sour-smelling perspiration on the head (and the whole body) during sleep, at night, especially towards morning. Tincture of root procured before flowering. Mind.

Burning and pricking over the whole body, as if from nettles, after slight emotions. Uses in Witchcraft Mouth. On going to sleep, cries and delirium, as soon as the eyes are closed. off lightning - Caesar apparently wore the leaves of this plant for this purpose when out in the field with his troops,

was then given and cured rapidly. Fever, with bitter taste and thirst. Frequent sighing, breathing. Nose-bleed worse 3-4 AM.. The constipation of the remedy is not due to inertia merely, it depends on "a more or less marked antiperistaltic movement of the rectum: hence the pains and the ataxic phenomena that accompany it sometimes, as is the case, for example, in the period of constipation of low typhoid fevers, etc." "Frequent desire to take a long breath, must expand the lungs" is a characteristic. Sensation of burning, and incisive pains in the urethra, before making water. After every meal, risings, with pressure on the stomach and on the epigastrium, colic or vomiting, principally after having eaten bread.

Bryony root (Bryonia dioica) Info. Swelling of the elbow and hand joints, and upper parts of the hands. Aching of the eyes, as if they were going to start out of the head. Retching, with water-brash. from Bell.

Torpor and numbness of the limbs, with stiffness and pain of fatigue. The wood contains small groups of vessels, radially arranged, and extending from the centre to the bark. Small nodosities and indurations in the face, like subcutaneous glands. Starts, with fright, on going to sleep and during sleep. People use the root for medicine. Amenorrhoea.

Symptoms worse after a meal. Bryony root is obtained from Bryonia dioica, Jacq.

worse After suppression of eruption or discharge. Chill, effects of. Epistaxis, especially just before the time for the menses to appear. Unquiet sleep, with confused dreams, and great flow of ideas. Eyes dull, glassy, turbid, or sparkling, and, as it were, drowned in tears. In this connection it may be remembered that Bryonia dioica is a popular remedy for " black-eye" as a local application. Roots available at the Store. Furfuraceous tetters on the eyelids, with burning itching. It corresponds to fevers of almost all kinds, especially rheumatic, typhoid, bilious and remitting. In the evening, vomiting of viscid mucus. Sensation of torpor in the palms of the hands. Headache. Vomiting of solids, and not of fluids. Dark colored and wrinkled state of the tongue. has worse lying on painful side, Bry.

(unlike Bry. Fit of choking before the paroxysm of nocturnal cough. Puerperal fever. Sleeplessness before midnight, with thirst, heat, and ebullitions. in effects of cold, dry winds (cold, moist winds, Nux-m., Calc., Ars., Dulc. Burning heat of the head, externally. Nose-bleed occurring consequent on suppression of the menses is characteristic. (This distinguishes Bry. Catamenia suppressed. is a gourmand (Nux-v. an epicure), dirty wash-leather, foul tongue, congested eyes, bitter nausea. Allied to this is better from pressure, from lying on painful side. Over-sensitiveness of the senses to external impressions. Bryonia alba, Linne, a Continental species, is distinguished by its monoecious flowers and black berries, the common bryony having dioecious flowers and scarlet berries. Van den Berghe has found Bry. Sleeplessness, especially before midnight, caused by heat. Hydrocele. Red swelling of the eyelids, especially of the upper lids, with aching pains. Aggravation of the pains and sufferings at night, or in the evening, towards nine o’clock, as well as after having eaten, and from movement, amelioration during repose. Thirst for large quantities. Swelling of the hands. Miliaria. Diarrhoea. Nausea and inclination to vomit, especially after eating food which has pleased the palate, or on rising after lying down. Gluttony. The least pressure on the pit of the stomach is insupportable. Bryony Root (Radix Bryoniae) Source, Etc. They are native to western Eurasia and adjacent regions, such as North Africa, the Canary Islands and South Asia. Lying on the painful part keeps the part at rest.) Hoarseness, with tendency to perspiration, cough and rattling in the chest. Thirst. Cramp in the calves of the legs, night and morning. Cold sweat on the forehead and on the head. (N.O. In these, as in all other complaints, the exquisite sensitiveness of the drug to movement of all kinds is a leading characteristic. Lumbago. Buzzing in the ears.

Alcohol. Compound fevers in general, chilliness and heat alternately, heat and shuddering alternately. Sensation of swelling and constriction in the oesophagus. It is sometimes cut into transverse slices and dried; the slices average about 5 cm. Nose-bleed. Acon. Cracking and dislocation of the hip-joint, when walking. Breast, inflamed. is like Bry. Heart. Dryness of the mouth, tongue, and throat.

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