Go back to December 15th for the clue. Mercury conjuncted Venus the 15th, giving her his accum of ideas so far, for her to carry forward for him. I won’t say restoration, because it’s time to do better. These configurations bear some sort of "magical" flavour. Word Panda provides you with a huge database of English words. It may be called to in turn heal a weak spot in the valence. She was just in Scorpio and has discovered some extra fun things to do! There are two outer planet combinations that the New Moon opens gateways to and prepares us for. But they all may have a quick consult. (See your astrologer!). Everyone prospers! Mercury is well-known for his capacity for quick adaptation and his lightness.

The context has changed… What is significant is 28 Leo was the degree of the Aug 21 US Total Solar Eclipse! Venus of values and grace, star Regulus the heart of the constellation of Leo the Lion and at the crossroad of Leo/VIrgo – the Sphinx (half Lion, half Woman), Mars the leader and champion, Mercury of communications – transmit and listen! Contacts with the luminaries are deep and virtually potent. There is a unique lead in energy preparing this New Moon.

The Moon and those planets are perfectly lined up!

It stands almost motionless in the sky, and all the stars of the Northern sky appear to rotate around it. In the couple, the Pluto partner has the active and "predator" role. Those of you who tinker with the numbers probably have noticed the Virgo New Moon at 27 Virgo 27! Jupiter is finishing last days in Libra. Saturn is thought of as the Reaper, what we sow is what we get, or it is what we are responsible for. They all are Earth sign harmonious. It went back to 26/0 degrees May 25, right after the the second Saturn trine Uranus! Virgo is sign 6, halfway through, soon to tip the scale into Libra! This Full Moon is perfect to spread its wings illuminating the Jupiter trine Neptune of the day before! This Full Moon is Moon in Pisces, the Master Dreamer and Visionary, opposite Sun in Virgo the DNA LightWeaver, Healing Goddess!

AND, it all links by degrees! It started Feb 16 at 26 Sag 0, moved into 27 degrees and ‘stationed,’ stood still there – was direct/moving forward, then April 5 retrograded/turned back. Pollux 23° 13` Cancer With good aspects in 1st house will bring gain and prestige. Many fixed stars have this quality. betelgeuse popularity. Sunday December 17 at 10:30 PM Pacific, 26 Sagittarius 31! They are strongly placed. They always indicate a lot of eroticism blended with "cerebral-ness", with the Uranus person intellectualizing the love relationship. She clears clutter that blocks and burdens us, organizes our lives for clear and streamlined action. That price is personal integrity. Listen for all you are worth. The same square exists with Betelgeuse, but Betelgeuse, declination only +7, is entirely a different character! Leo to Sagittarius can be inspiring performance, teaching, sharing the best we have to give!

Unforgettable beauty worth the dangerous night-climbing in winter. Most likely there is at least one movie with this word in the title. Moon shared sweets with Venus at 10:34 AM Pacific, 12 hours earlier than the New Moon. And Mercury discovers there is more than words. Choose your thoughts carefully, select the best of your hopes and plans. Mars stands unhindered, alone in Scorpio. xxxxx6   Full Corn Moon He clearly recognizes his aims, and will pursue and achieve them.’. Conversely, males ought to seek females whose Moon is on the same position as their Sun, with a 10 or 12 degree orb, or tighter if possible. As Jupiter moves in closer, the aspects will be in the traditional ranges thought to have effect.

Now they are spanning Virgo to Pisces. A Sun-Venus conjunction and/or a Venus-Sun conjunction are excellent regarding warmth and affectivity. Many married couples have a South Node conjunction with the Sun or the Moon, whereas many lovers have it with Venus or Mars. Though the Full Moon doesn’t connect with Mercury by degree, Sun and Moon are held in this stance, place of mind. Polaris is like a little Galactic Center of its own.
It is true, Moon and Sun T Square Neptune! It can indicate a superior athlete, being endowed with outstanding agility and speed of body. Moon is leery of such an upstart and for good reason!

There will be a call to the arts – music, film, video, theatre.

He will be the best delivery person you ever had! Venus with Uranus may sweep you off your feet, so don’t forget to make notes about that Chiron item! Besides being about Virgo and Pisces, this Full Moon is a lot about Mercury.
Mercury is going back to meet Saturn, makes the conjunction Dec 6. Pisces can obscure the exact steps until it’s time, then miraculously the fog clears and we’re on! There is a maturity, ending, gratefulness, letting go, moving on. If it is an instant go ahead connection, you’re on! …at 28 Leo 53! However, beyond the obvious folklore of that new astrology, now obsolete as it is soon reaching the age of 35, there are quite serious elements that have been used for centuries. Virgo angels are often at work making our lives brighter, even at New Moon time! We see what surrounds us with greater comprehension. Now we see what needs doing, it’s time. Moon naturally takes on the home nurturing role; Sun leads us to extend that service to our community! The Sun partner is the more dynamic person in the couple. Pay attention to what needs doing. Some matters that need healing are from past lives, others are when we have harmed ourselves, or been harmed by others. It is a variable star, a reddish, supergiant variable star in the constellation Orion: magnitude, 0.4 to 0.9. a first-magnitude red supergiant in the constellation Orion. Messages are clear and potent! Therefore, these interaspects have a very positive and important influence in a couple. Contacts with the Ascendant are rather physical and instinctive, and always instantaneous. Betelgeuse is in the latter category. Go, Virgo! Of course, for Mercury, an asexual and neutral planet, the link would be of an intellectual and/or associative type, for instance a strong professional relationship (e.g. Capricorn, the sign of elders and professionals, needs respect, and Pluto has a lot of private business. Between Venus and Uranus, the erotic element is more than ever active, with Uranus being somehow Mars' cerebral and original expression, whereas Pluto is its instinctive, and deep form, in the rough, a sheer emotional and physical power, disconnected from the intellect. Work it. Take some quiet moments, have a circle gathering, rest, assess what’s up and in the wind. Moon is also curious. There may be a mediation group or Tai Chi, Yoga class that brings you to silence, peace, serenity, tranquility. She shared Mercury’s info with Moon. x. Wednesday Sep 6, at 00.03 AM Pacific, 13 Virgo/Pisces 53! With the Astrology Statistics powerful page, please use the advanced search tool: check the "Advanced" box of Planet in Sign, select Sun or Moon, enter the position in degree and the exactitude required, ranging from 1 and 15. Your mind expands right in front of your eyes! Warriors take their chances! Squares can block energy, and can release energy as facing and dealing with the blocks  opens gateways. In the process, we work toward Dharma, the work of the Soul. The Moon in Gemini feeds our minds. Between partners, emotions are in tune. The differences of Moon in Pisces, Sun in Virto, become more apparent, each having its own value, a necessary contributor to the greater cause. Full grammatical hierarchy of Betelgeuse. We must keep the greater picture in mind, why we are fighting the good fight, forever expanding in a good way. Mars wants to lead, fight for your rights, get you started on your own! Saturn at 29, the end of the sign, is mature, experienced. 28 LEO Mercury stands close to the Inconjunct with Chiron in Pisces and trine with Uranus in Aries, but it is just whispers and hints, faint reminders. Conjunction with Mars could bring death by fire. Saturn can save you a ton of time. Libra 2020 Full & New Moons, Galactic Center! Rather than at the Pole, Orion is located on the celestial equator and visible throughout the world! Saturn conjuncts/conjuncted the GC 26th degree Nov 15 to 24, as it did 28, 29 years ago! Clearly, this Mercury Retrograde cycle is linked with the MOON! Please enter your email to receive the reset link.

Mars and Mercury are trine Pluto in Capricorn! Neptune the dreamer and savior, offers insights to spiritual dilemmas, meditation to sooth the monkey mind. Hopeful, confident, abundant, leading the way! Different cultures blend and everyone is thrilled to find such grand and gallant solutions! At the moment, Betelgeuse and its mate Bellatrix (magnitude 1.6) are virtually equal in brightness, while Aldebaran (0.9) in nearby Taurus overpowers the supergian Indeed, the karmic component of astrology has a bad reputation. They have specific amazing skills! When one of the personal planets of either partner is on the North Node of the other partner, and if the conjunction receives no aspect from heavy or harsh planets, it is an indication of closeness of a romantic, conjugal or affective, etc. Mercury in Leo, hopefully with grand projects on his mind, is just about to change signs into Virgo Sep 9, catch up with Mars Sep 16, and make like a sphinx with him! The keepers, the ones the bowl processes, then may be like a living shower of energy collected, potently merged, united in cause, dispersed into the mainstream to magnetize others. Pisces Moon is at the mast! The day after the first LEO New Moon, July 23, the Leo/Virgo Mercury Retrograde cycle started – not the retrograde, the cycle! Scorpios are survival experts and fast healing, great healers!

About 59% of English native speakers know the meaning and use word.


The Moon was on Betelgeuse when the 1st tower was struck on 9/11. Mars, though generally forthright and furious, in Virgo is a bit more careful in it’s approach. This one is conjunct the Galactic Center, the center of our Galaxy, 26 Sagittarius! Moon is inconjunct Venus in Leo! Pluto is always watching the back door. In any case, the conjunction remains equally potent. It may be a long night cold Full Moon, but you have Sagittarius to keep you warm, and his planet Jupiter trine Neptune to keep you steady at the helm! She holds the Voyage, sometimes adrift, sometimes fearlessly surging through a gale and high seas! There is a purity. Leave a Comment ». When Virgo over thinks, worries, Pisces reminds that there are greater powers that guide us and the cause is the cause, always! The Chinese considered the Pole Star as “the great honorable Lord of the Heavens.” Elsbeth Ebertin said ‘The Pole Star serves as a guide and indicator. x. Chiron is soulfully diligent seeking cures of body and mind, but in Pisces more of Spirit. The tighter the conjunction, the stronger the influence. A Sun-Moon conjunction is a very happy indication for the conjugal life and deep male-female compatibility. 1790-1800; < French < Arabic bīt al jauzāʾ shoulder of the giant (i.e., of Orion). Do shore up that area so it doesn’t become a problem down the road. Ask your questions, offer innovative ideas, propose your price. Oxygen gets to your brain and fuels your next choice!

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