Almost all of the 12 zodiac signs are depicted by an animal, with the exception of Gemini, Virgo and Libra. As partners - When we speak of romance, this is not someone who is in for the long run at the beginning of any relationship. Still, it is impossible to predict their next move, and this is exactly what makes them attractive, strangely inspiring and beautiful.

Aquarians believe in the nature of change and evolution, and even though they're a fixed sign, they may not necessarily believe they are the "same" people they were when they were born. Aquarians are often big-picture thinkers who can see connections in a way that eludes others.

Like their spirit animal, the horse, Capricorns long for nothing more than to run free in beautiful pastures with the wind blowing in their hair truly enjoying life. Eccentric and a bit strange, an Aquarius is someone whose company will never be boring, rich with interesting anecdotes, exciting experiences, and strange events that need to be shared through incredible communication. Independent and enigmatical, Aquarians are unique. Things they think about aren’t in any way small, and this can take away a lot of their energy and turn their focus away from things other people might find important. Join our list for VIP invitations, early bird access, weekly horoscopes and much more!

Unpredictable as a master of surprises, changes and thinking outside the box, an Aquarius will hardly ever be reliable and easily read, even with people they have known for ages.

You may see different Aquarius symbols, spanning from the simple Aquarius glyph of water waves, to a full-on detailed drawing of the Water Bearer itself. Aquarians don't like labels, and may shy away from any adjective—even the good ones you might bestow upon them. Independent and enigmatical, Aquarians are unique. There is no one quite like an Aquarius, and because each is so incredibly individual, it can be tough to describe them as a group.

Each Aquarius needs to take care of their loved ones, and learn that the wellbeing of the community should be balanced by the wellbeing of each individual on this planet. You. Inventive as a sign of incredible ideas and brilliant minds, an Aquarius is a pool of Universal thought.

In the core of their personality lies the exaltation of Neptune, and this makes them dreamy, often lost in their desires or parallel realities and worlds that aren’t visible to those they share a life with. Two semi-circles symbolize receptivity.

Brand Partnerships The battle to show who they are can turn into agony if they have rigid, unmovable parents, and the stronger their character, the more problems they will make. Contact Us R for respectful Aquarius (♒︎) is the eleventh astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation Aquarius.Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun is in the Aquarius sign between about January 21 and about February 20, while under the sidereal Zodiac, the sun is in Aquarius from approximately February 15 to March 14, depending on the leap year.

This has nothing to do with respect or the way they value other people, but rather with their deeply seeded feeling that they don’t owe their time or effort to anyone. Aquarius born during the Year of the Dog... Aquarians born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Dog are represented in Primal Astrology by the Chameleon. It is the sign of the water bearer, so a human male with a vase of water. Friendly for socializing truly fills their batteries, indulges their curiosity, and makes them feel at home in any surroundings at any given time. Their name says it all: For example, Libra is ruled by balance and harmony, so its glyph resembles the Scales of Justice. Aquarians can sometimes seem as if they don't care about their individual relationships, or they are holding something else at a higher value. Many Aquarius representatives will seem distant, lost, detached from everyone in their lives, and if they don’t build strong respect for other people’s personalities, they might end up alone, estranged and an outcast to those around them.

As parents - As parents, Aquarius representatives can bring too much stress into the lives of their children.

Teamwork, groups, social justice and technology are the main Aquarius traits.

A for analytical

Strengths – The sign of Aquarius is intelligent, energetic and full of brilliant ideas, while humane and honestly turned to the wellbeing of the human race. Aquarius is intellectual and analytical, but don't mistake these attributes for aloofness. To understand an Aquarius, you need to understand the burden of the world resting on their shoulders. If they express their true personality and feel free to do so, those who gave them enough room and respect will be nurtured and cherished for years. They need a lot of support and respect in order to stay interested in any relationship, while secretly wishing for a time of peace and calm conversations with those they care about deeply. Their belief in the innate goodness of people. Your go-with-the-flow attitude.

What's In Your Future?
Humanitarian as a sign that worries about the wellbeing of the entire human kind, they will care for the planet, the people, mundane events, and ways to stop wars, poverty or animal torture. You'll always hear someone's story, and know the people you may have the most in common with is the person who looks least like you.

The Aquarius horoscope symbol is the Water Bearer. Aquarians have deep passion, but they know jumping into something too quickly can cause more harm than good.

Edit. The Aquarius horoscope symbol is the Water Bearer.

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They need changes, experiments and their incredible curiosity satisfied at all times. It's not personal, and it's not a bad thing.

U for uncompromising

It is important not to forget that their Sun has fallen, and with it – their ego and self-image built while they are supposed to feel as the center of the world. S for sincere.

Aquarius. Aquarius Zodiac Sign. Detached for they love their freedom and individuality more than anything else. They need to truly be swept off their feet day after day, convinced of the certainty and endurance of their bond, in order to give their heart to one person.

Unpredictable and strange, they are a good friend but often don’t fit into their team at work.

Aquarius children are brilliant, creative and innovative, as much as they are black sheep, outcasts in the family tree, and those who don’t know how to act “appropriately” among neighbors, guests, or their own parents. Aquarians are idealistic, and will never accept "good enough" until they truly believe it's good enough. atter (cross) over spirit (circle). If they build a strongly intimate, while also intellectually stimulating relationship with another human being, they will hardly drift away once they realize that the spontaneous flow of things leads them towards forming a lasting bond.

You make hard things look easy, because you find the joy in the journey. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, which governs technology and has a symbol of its own. Your determined nature. This is a sign often in search for a lot of emotional excitement, but it is important to remember that this is a sign of fixed quality too, which makes them sort of constant in their approach. As children - In childhood, Aquarius kids require a lot of intellectual presence and attention. The Aquarius sign symbol usually depicts the waves of water or electricity.
Although they love making friends and socializing, they will rarely sink into intimacy with ease. Other people see a painting and enjoy it. U for unique The Uranus symbol is depicted by matter (cross) over spirit (circle). Clear communication is necessary to avoid these issues. 2004 - 2018 © - All rights reserved.

Aquarius is symbolized by the Water Bearer, representing the flow of energy, or wavelength. The Aquarius symbol also has a unique meaning.

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