Much has been learned in the last few years, but management programs rely upon a sound grasp of what populations do in the wild under different circumstances. Despite this protection, juveniles are regularly threatened by predators such as raccoons, large fish, birds and even other alligators. Several areas of research still require attention, including more work on population dynamics. Florida, Louisiana, Texas). Social signals of the American alligator. Alligators are, like all crocodilians, opportunistic feeders and will take carrion if it becomes available and they are sufficiently hungry. Lee, JR, Burke, VJ, & Gibbons, JW (1997).

310 pp. The American alligator is a rare success story of an endangered animal not only saved from extinction but now thriving. While the American alligator has dramatically recovered from its human-caused decline, its Chinese counterpart – critically endangered – has not been so fortunate. Sub-adult basking on floating log

Behavior of hatchling. J. Herpetol. They can easily last the winter on their energy reserves.

The belly skin of the alligator produces a generally high-quality leather, and this resulted in considerable hunting pressure earlier in the 20th century, particularly in Louisiana and Florida. 160: 155-192 Lee, JR, Burke, VJ, & Gibbons, JW (1997). Flooding will kill most eggs within 12 hours of submergence. His primary interests from both a fieldwork and writing perspective include landscape ecology, geomorphology, the classification of ecosystems, biogeography, wildlife/habitat relationships, and historical ecology.

Bull. Cropping is only allowed from certain populations, protecting peripheral populations that are still recovering. However, occasionally alligators may be trapped completely below ice, and have been known to survive for over 8 hours without taking a breath, because the freezing water slows their metabolic rate down to very low levels. MORE INFORMATION:

Rootes, WL, Chabreck, RH (1993).

Bull. Behavior of hatchling Alligator mississippiensis exposed to ice. Flooding will kill most eggs within 12 hours of submergence. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Hunt, RH & Watanabe, ME (1982).

Alligator hunting is allowed in several states under strict quota or licence guidelines. Observations on the maternal behavior of the American alligator, Alligator mississippiensis.

In all individuals, older alligators gradually lose the yellow banding and turn olive brown and black, although areas around the jaws and on the neck and belly are creamy white. an order within an order?

Savannah River National Environmental Research Park.

The creation of 'alligator holes' is of great value not only to the alligators, but to the other species of animals which use them. Brisbin, IL, Standora, EA & Vargo, MJ (1982).

Leucistic hatchling (b&w) 16(3): 235-239 Social displays of the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis). Alligators have been known in rare instances to attack children and even occasionally adults, usually because they mistake the human for much smaller prey, or they are provoked. 16(3): 235-239 310 pp. Selected aspects of the nesting ecology of American alligators in the Okefenokee swamp.

27(2): 121-126

Near the end of courtship, both animals will engage in a bout of snout and back rubbing. Southeastern United States: Alabama, Arkansas, North & South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Texas Yet another example of their amazing ability to survive. Basking alligator on grass


The Alligator's Life History. American alligators hibernate during the winter in burrows (or "dens") that they construct, but may occasionally emerge during brief spells of warmer weather. These are often the same sites each year, and may be close to an 'alligator hole' which was constructed by the female. In: Crocodiles.

Social displays of the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis).

Long-term changes in a population of Alligator mississippiensis in South Carolina. millions) and are now only considered to be threatened in a few areas by habitat degradation (including water management programs).

In Florida, the results of harvesting have shown that up to 13% of subadult to adult animals, plus all the eggs from 50% of all located nests, can be safely removed from the alligator population annually without affecting population stability. The American alligator inhabits a fairly large range entirely in the U.S. Southeast, from North Carolina, Arkansas and Oklahoma south to southeastern Texas and the tip of Florida. When the eggs are revealed and the hatchlings emerge, she carries between 8 and 10 babies in her mouth down to the water, pulling her tongue down to form a pouch in which they all sit.

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